This assignment evaluates the content of the lecture of the 18/10/2024 "Introduction to javascript"
- Submit your assignment on the eCampus platform :
Compress your projet directory into an archive format (ZIP, 7z, tar, ...) and upload a single file Due to the number of students in the lecture, you have to work in groups of 2 or 3 persons.
Please register on the Google Stylesheet (linked in eCampus).
For this project, you will have to run a backend server, that serves a basic HTTP API. And a second server, that will server your frontend files (HTML page and linked documents).
The backend and frontend servers are coded with NodeJS. You need to have a working installation of NodeJS on your machine. Normally if you followed the first assignment, that is already the case.
Go to the
directory. -
The first time, you need to install the project dependencies
npm install
No need to run this command again after that.
Start the server with
npm run start
By default the backend server runs on port 3014, you can access it at http://localhost:3014
Go to the
directory. -
The first time, you need to install the project dependencies
npm install
No need to run this command again after that.
Start the server with
npm run start
By default the frontend server runs on port 8000, you can access it at http://localhost:8000. The project frontend page is at http://localhost:8000/chatroom/index.html
If you are using VS Code, "Thunder Client" is an excellent plugin that helps you easily test a server API by hand-crafting HTTP requests.
Another tool is Postman, but it requires to make an account by them.
You can also use the command line tool curl
, although it's not as user friendly.
Get the whole content of the chatroom. The response is a JSON object that looks like this :
"author": "admin",
"message": "Welcome to our chat"
}, {
"author": "Bérénice",
"message": "Que le jour recommence ..."
}, ...]
Send a message to the chat. The request body must contain a JSON object of the following format :
"author": "Antiochus",
"message": "Puisse le ciel verser..."
The fields must not be empty. If an invalid request is sent, the server
will respond with a 400
status code.
In case of success, the server will respond with the content of the chat
in JSON format (same format than a request to GET /chat
This this a censoring service provided by the server. You can send it a message, and it will check it and return a censored version if it detects obscene words such as "Lyon", "PSG", "English" or "England". This is a Stéphanois and French chatroom after all.
The message you want to censor must be sent with the query parameter message
Note: In javascript, you will not manually build the URL with the query parameter after the
sign. There are available functions in JS to make that for you.
The server will respond with the following JSON object :
"originalMessage": "The English are a lovely people",
"censoredMessage": "The *** are a lovely people"
Making a request to this endpoint resets the content of the chatroom.
The server replies with a JSON object representing the content of the chatroom
after it has been cleared (same format than GET /chat
- Write your code in the
file. You need to link this file to your HTML document, in order for it to run when the webpage loads in the web browser.
Note: beware of the browser cache. It's a good idea to always use the "Hard Refresh" functionality of your browser.
Mandatory features to use, or things to avoid :
- Use the
function to make your AJAX calls - Use at least once in your code the
syntax - Never set a style directly from javascript. If you need the visual appearance
of an element to change, you use JS to set or remove classes to that element,
and you edit the
stylesheet in order to have styling rules that matches the classes. - Like with any software development, organize your code coherently and make it readable. Use comments, seperate things into coherent functions. You don't neet to seperate your code into several files for this assignment, although it is possible if you want, by using ES6 modules.
- Do not seperate your code in different files without ES6 modules (we try to avoid ES5 practices as they are deprecated)
- Use the
Implement the following functionalities
Send messages when clicking on the "Send" button or when the user presses the key while being focused in the message input.
Description of the message sending workflow :
- the frontend must first use the censoring service provided by the server. It should call
GET /censorMessage?message=Content of the message
- the frontend must take the censored message given as a reply
- the frontend must now send the message to the chat server, by calling
POST /message
and giving the user alias and the message content (the censored version), in the body of the request in JSON format. See the server API specification. - the frontend should update the content of the chat window with the response given by the server
- the frontend must first use the censoring service provided by the server. It should call
Prevent sending empty messages or empty alias.
- Disable the "Send" button, and don't react on the "Enter" keypress, if either the alias or the message input are empty
Display the error popup, in case one of your network requests fails.
- Anytime you make a network request, there is a possibility for failure. Take that into account, and handle such cases. The best way to get a network error is to stop your server program.
- When you get a network error, you should display the error message popup. You don't need to change the message, the default message in place in the template is enough.
Make the "Close" button of the error popup work.
Poll regularly the server to get real time update on your chat.
- Use the API request
GET /chat
to get the whole content of the chat, and update the content of the chat window with the result. - Because we can't be notified by the server in case of updates, we need to poll it,
that is make constant requests on a fixed short delay. You will make a request
every 500ms, for a good user experience. You can use the native JS function
. - Once this works, you can open several tabs with your frontend (that is, making several clients for your web server), and you will be able to make the clients communicate between them.
- Use the API request
Make the "Clear chat" button work When clicking the button, use the server API endpoint
DELETE /chat
For a better UX flow, empty the message input field after a message has been sent.