Tandem Repeats Team -- 2024 SVCC Hackathon
- Bishnu Adhikari
- Wouter De Coaster
- Adam English
- Emrah Kacar
- Rupesh Kesharwani
- Natali Gulbahce
- Moustafa Shokrof
Our project’s ideas are around tdb. This tool turns ‘REPL’ style VCFs from tandem repeat callers into a database. This database compresses better than a VCF thanks to the parquet format and has better structured data that is easier to parse than VCFs. There are currently a handful of ‘standard’ queries and analysis notebooks which can provide useful summaries of tandem repeat results. For the hackathon, we can make some new, interesting queries.
HPRC 105 TDB made as part of the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC) which represents a subset of HPRC and presents genomic diversity across 105 indivuduals (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41587-023-02057-3).
- Total Samples: 105
- Total TR loci: 937,122
- Total TR span: 121,698,022 bp (4% of grch38)
- TR catalog: Adotto v0.3
Population | Count |
AFR | 52 |
AMR | 56 |
EAS | 32 |
SAS | 48 |
UNK | 8 |
The script Emrah_EDA/tdb_gtf_anno.py
will annotate the TR loci with gene information in a gtf such as this from
python tdb_gtf_anno.py \
hprc_105.tdb \
gencode.v38.annotation.gtf.gz > output.txt
You can optionally subset to specific loci with --locusids
or tdb chromosomes with --chrom
Example output:
LocusID hits_gene hits_exon gene_name
132443 True False KIAA1549L
271491 False False
347074 True False CCDC200
347381 False False
385018 True False GTSCR1
396168 True False ZNF433-AS1,CTC-359D24.6
453703 True True TMEM87B
520559 False False
585194 True False PIK3CB
To annotate made the allele counts English_EDA/population_ac_by_length.py
python population_ac_by_length.py \
hprc_105.tdb metadata.tsv -o result.txt
Example output:
chrom start end is_ref AC AF AC_EAS AC_AMR AC_AFR AC_SAS AC_UNK
chr1 72059 72194 True 145 0.7474226804123711 15 24 22 19 8
chr1 72059 72194 False 11 0.05670103092783505 1 0 1 8 0
The length polymorphism score is a per-locus measure of the proportion of distinct alleles by length over the total alleles measured at a locus
tdb query len_poly_score hprc_105.tdb > result.txt
Example output:
chrom start end len_poly_score
chr1 16682 16774 1.9047619047619047
chr1 19275 19473 1.9047619047619047
chr1 20798 20893 1.9047619047619047
Fixation index (Fst) is a measure of genetic differentiation between populations, quantifying the proportion of genetic variance due to population structure. Here we calculated Fst of TR alleles across loci, we first run a query to calculate allele counts by population using population_ac_by_length.py to create input_allele_counts.tsv. We use an equation from Joshua Sampson et al. (2012).
python calculate_fst.py -o result.tsv input_allele_counts.tsv
Example output:
chrom start end is_ref AC AF AC_EAS AC_AMR AC_AFR AC_SAS fst fst_SAS_EAS fst_SAS_AMR fst_SAS_AFR fst_EAS_AMR fst_EAS_AFR fst_AMR_AFR
0 chr1 16682 16774 True 161 0.8563829787234043 16 28 26 24 0.0032071247201271857 0.0 0.00073260073260073 0.004571428571428449 0.0006734006734007147 0.004186289900575568 0.0016737559221220444
1 chr1 16682 16774 False 27 0.1436170212765957 4 8 9 6 0.0032071247201269637 0.0 0.00073260073260073 0.004571428571428449 0.0006734006734007147 0.004186289900575457 0.0016737559221218223
2 chr1 19275 19473 True 178 0.946808510638298 16 28 26 24 0.0770754352030949 0.015999999999999903 0.0034188034188034067 0.061103030303030215 0.024242424242424176 0.08080808080808077 0.0430976430976433
See this notebook for details.