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cofinley committed Sep 14, 2023
1 parent c3996dc commit 4ab79c2
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Showing 4 changed files with 108 additions and 81 deletions.
42 changes: 33 additions & 9 deletions test/why_does_that_sound_good/algo/chord_test.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,38 @@
(ns why-does-that-sound-good.algo.chord-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest is are]]
[why-does-that-sound-good.algo.chord :as chord]))
[clojure.test :refer [deftest are]]
[why-does-that-sound-good.pitch :as pitch]
[why-does-that-sound-good.algo.chord :as chord]))

(deftest find-closest-octave-test
(is (= 4 (chord/find-closest-octave :C 60)))
(is (= 3 (chord/find-closest-octave :B 60))))
(are [pitch closest-note expected-closest-octave] (= expected-closest-octave (chord/find-closest-octave pitch closest-note))
:C (pitch/note :C4) 4
:B (pitch/note :C4) 3))

(deftest get-relative-chord-notes-test
(are [expected-notes original-notes chord-pitches] (= expected-notes (chord/get-relative-chord-notes original-notes chord-pitches))
'(60 64 67) [60 64 67] #{:C :E :G}
'(60 64 67 71) [60 64 67] #{:C :E :G :B}
'(60 64 67) [60 64 67 71] #{:C :E :G}
'(60 64 67 72) [60 64 67 72] #{:C :E :G}))
(are [original-notes chord-pitches expected-notes] (= expected-notes (chord/get-relative-chord-notes original-notes chord-pitches))
[60 64 67] #{:C :E :G} '(60 64 67)
[60 64 67] #{:C :E :G :B} '(60 64 67 71)
[60 64 67 71] #{:C :E :G} '(60 64 67)
[60 64 67 72] #{:C :E :G} '(60 64 67 72)))

(deftest block->chords-test
(are [block expected-chords] (= expected-chords (chord/block->chords block :find-closest? true))
{:id 1 :notes #{60 64 67}} '({:root :C
:chord-type :maj
:chord-pitches #{:C :G :E}
:similarity 1
:original-block-id 1
:lowest-note-root? 1
:chord-pitches->readable-intervals {:C :1 :G :5 :E :M3}
:chord-notes (60 64 67)}
{:root :E
:chord-type :m+5
:chord-pitches #{:E :G :C}
:similarity 1
:original-block-id 1
:lowest-note-root? 0
:chord-pitches->readable-intervals {:E :1 :G :m3 :C :+5}
:chord-notes (60 64 67)})

{:id 1 :notes #{}} nil))
41 changes: 12 additions & 29 deletions test/why_does_that_sound_good/algo/scale_test.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
(ns why-does-that-sound-good.algo.scale-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]]
[why-does-that-sound-good.algo.scale :as scale]
[why-does-that-sound-good.pitch :as pitch]
[why-does-that-sound-good.algo.chord :as chord]))
[clojure.test :refer [deftest testing is are]]
[why-does-that-sound-good.algo.scale :as scale]))

(deftest steps->intervals-test
(are [expected-intervals input-steps] (= expected-intervals (scale/steps->intervals input-steps))
'(0) ()
'(0 1 3 6) '(1 2 3)
'(0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12) '(2 2 1 2 2 2 1)))
(are [input-steps expected-intervals] (= expected-intervals (scale/steps->intervals input-steps))
() '(0)
'(1 2 3) '(0 1 3 6)
'(2 2 1 2 2 2 1) '(0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12)))

(deftest scale->pitches-test
(are [expected-pitches root-pitch scale-type] (= expected-pitches (scale/scale->pitches root-pitch scale-type))
'(:C :D :E :F :G :A :B) :C :major
'(:C :D :Eb :F :G :Ab :Bb) :C :minor
'(:C# :Eb :F :F# :Ab :Bb :C) :C# :major
(are [root-pitch scale-type expected-pitches] (= expected-pitches (scale/scale->pitches root-pitch scale-type))
:C :major '(:C :D :E :F :G :A :B)
:C :minor '(:C :D :Eb :F :G :Ab :Bb)
:C# :major '(:C# :Eb :F :F# :Ab :Bb :C)
;; TODO: convert accidentals accordingly
'(:C# :Eb :F :F# :Ab :Bb :C) :Db :major))
:Db :major '(:C# :Eb :F :F# :Ab :Bb :C)))

(deftest scale-pitches->intervals-test
;; Intervals all the way to up a 13th
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,19 +95,3 @@
:chord-notes (60 65 67)})
(scale/scale-pitch->diatonic-chords (get scale/ALL-SCALES {:root :C :scale-type :major})

(defn chord->example-notes [root chord-type]
(->> {:root root :chord-type chord-type}
(map #(pitch/construct-note % 4))))

(def c-major-blocks
(map-indexed (fn [i [root chord-type]]
{:id i :notes (chord->example-notes root chord-type)})
[[:C :maj]
[:D :min]
[:E :min]
[:F :maj]
[:G :maj]
[:A :min]
[:B :dim]]))
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions test/why_does_that_sound_good/test_utils.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
(ns why-does-that-sound-good.test-utils
[why-does-that-sound-good.algo.chord :as chord]
[why-does-that-sound-good.pitch :as pitch]))

(defn chord->example-notes [root chord-type]
(->> {:root root :chord-type chord-type}
(map #(pitch/construct-note % 4))))

(def c-major-blocks
(map-indexed (fn [i [root chord-type]]
{:id i :notes (chord->example-notes root chord-type)})
[[:C :maj]
[:D :min]
[:E :min]
[:F :maj]
[:G :maj]
[:A :min]
[:B :dim]]))
86 changes: 43 additions & 43 deletions test/why_does_that_sound_good/utils_test.cljc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,39 +20,39 @@
(is (= #{:C :E :G} (utils/block->pitches {:id 1 :notes #{60 64 67} :selected-suggestion {:root :C :chord-type :major :chord-notes '(60 64 67)}})))))

(deftest in?-test
(are [expected coll el] (= expected (utils/in? coll el))
nil [] 1
true [1 2 3] 1
nil [1 2 3] 4))
(are [coll el expected] (= expected (utils/in? coll el))
[] 1 nil
[1 2 3] 1 true
[1 2 3] 4 nil))

(deftest get-cyclic-distance-test
(are [expected-distance start end total-length] (= expected-distance (utils/get-cyclic-distance start end total-length))
0 1 1 10
1 2 1 10 ;; Going backwards in the cycle is shorter
2 3 1 10
3 4 1 10
4 5 1 10
5 6 1 10 ;; Furthest distance
4 7 1 10 ;; Going forwards and wrapping around the cycle is shorter now
3 8 1 10
2 9 1 10
1 10 1 10))
(are [start end total-length expected-distance] (= expected-distance (utils/get-cyclic-distance start end total-length))
1 1 10 0
2 1 10 1 ;; Going backwards in the cycle is shorter
3 1 10 2
4 1 10 3
5 1 10 4
6 1 10 5 ;; Furthest distance
7 1 10 4 ;; Going forwards and wrapping around the cycle is shorter now
8 1 10 3
9 1 10 2
10 1 10 1))

(deftest get-pitch-distance
(are [expected-distance start-pitch end-pitch] (= expected-distance (utils/get-pitch-distance start-pitch end-pitch))
0 :C :C
1 :C# :C ;; Going backwards in the cycle is shorter
1 :Db :C ;; Either accidental representation works
2 :D :C
3 :D# :C
4 :E :C
5 :F :C
6 :F# :C ;; Furthest distance
5 :G :C
4 :G# :C ;; Going forwards and wrapping around to next C is shorter now
3 :A :C
2 :A# :C
1 :B :C))
(are [start-pitch end-pitch expected-distance] (= expected-distance (utils/get-pitch-distance start-pitch end-pitch))
:C :C 0
:C# :C 1 ;; Going backwards in the cycle is shorter
:Db :C 1 ;; Either accidental representation works
:D :C 2
:D# :C 3
:E :C 4
:F :C 5
:F# :C 6 ;; Furthest distance
:G :C 5
:G# :C 4 ;; Going forwards and wrapping around to next C is shorter now
:A :C 3
:A# :C 2
:B :C 1))

(deftest music-structure->str-test
(testing "chord"
Expand All @@ -64,21 +64,21 @@
(is (= "C major" (utils/music-structure->str {:root :C :scale-type :major} :space? true)))))

(deftest jaccard-index-test
(are [expected-index set-1 set-2] (= expected-index (utils/jaccard-index set-1 set-2))
1.0 #{1 2 3} #{1 2 3}
0.5 #{1 2 3 4} #{1 2}
0.5 #{1 2} #{1 2 3 4} ;; order-independent
0 #{} #{}
0.0 #{1 2} #{3 4}))
(are [set-1 set-2 expected-index] (= expected-index (utils/jaccard-index set-1 set-2))
#{1 2 3} #{1 2 3} 1.0
#{1 2 3 4} #{1 2} 0.5
#{1 2} #{1 2 3 4} 0.5 ;; order-independent
#{} #{} 0
#{1 2} #{3 4} 0.0))

(deftest pitch-similarity-test
(are [expected-index input-pitches dest-pitches dest-pitches-root] (= expected-index (utils/pitch-similarity input-pitches dest-pitches dest-pitches-root))
1.0 #{:C :D :E} #{:C :D :E} :C
0.75 #{:C :D :E :F} #{:C :D} :C ;; If chord/scale root pitch is in input-pitches, give more weight (base Jaccard Index would normally be 0.5)
0 #{} #{} :C
0.5 #{:C :D} #{:E :F} :C))
(are [input-pitches dest-pitches dest-pitches-root expected-index] (= expected-index (utils/pitch-similarity input-pitches dest-pitches dest-pitches-root))
#{:C :D :E} #{:C :D :E} :C 1.0
#{:C :D :E :F} #{:C :D} :C 0.75 ;; If chord/scale root pitch is in input-pitches, give more weight (base Jaccard Index would normally be 0.5)
#{} #{} :C 0
#{:C :D} #{:E :F} :C 0.5))

(deftest upsert-in-test
(are [expected m ks v] (= expected (utils/upsert-in m ks v))
{:foo [1]} {} [:foo] 1
{:foo [1 2]} {:foo [1]} [:foo] 2))
(are [m ks v expected] (= expected (utils/upsert-in m ks v))
{} [:foo] 1 {:foo [1]}
{:foo [1]} [:foo] 2 {:foo [1 2]}))

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