git clone git://
cd tdd_ruby_tutorial
gem install bundler
rvm gemset create curso
rvm gemset use curso
bundle install
Checkout the spec1 tag
git checkout -b implementation spec1
Implement the methods inside the class Movie
in movie.rb
according to the spec until it passes
rspec movie_spec.rb
Commit the results
git commit -am "Implementation for spec 1"
Update to the next version of the specs
git cherry-pick spec2
Implement the new methods and refactor the code until it is all green again
rspec movie_spec.rb
Commit the results
git commit -am "Implementation for spec 2"
Update to the next version of the specs
git cherry-pick spec3
Implement the new methods and refactor the code until it is all green again
rspec movie_spec.rb
Commit the results
git commit -am "Implementation for spec 3"
Continue with Day 2 at