Release #6
224 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped
✅ api/coroutines-connector/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryAcquireLockMultipleTimesSpec.xml
9 tests were completed in 610ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryAcquireLockMultipleTimesSpec | 9✅ | 610ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryAcquireLockMultipleTimesSpec
✅ the same owner may acquire lock multiple times - REENTRANT
✅ the same owner may acquire lock multiple times - OVERRIDING
✅ the same owner may acquire permanent lock multiple times - REENTRANT
✅ the same owner may acquire permanent lock multiple times - OVERRIDING
✅ the same instance may acquire lock only once - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ the same instance may acquire lock multiple times by separate lock objects - REENTRANT
✅ the same instance may acquire lock multiple times by separate lock objects - OVERRIDING
✅ only one of two different instances may acquire lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should prolong lock duration when acquired multiple times by reentrant lock
✅ api/coroutines-connector/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryAcquireLockSpec.xml
15 tests were completed in 321ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryAcquireLockSpec | 15✅ | 321ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryAcquireLockSpec
✅ only one of two different instances may acquire a lock - REENTRANT
✅ only one of two different instances may acquire a lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ only one of two different permanent instances may acquire a lock - REENTRANT
✅ only one of two different permanent instances may acquire a lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ overriding lock may acquire lock acquired by a different instance
✅ two locks with different lock ids should not block each other - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ two locks with different lock ids should not block each other - REENTRANT
✅ two locks with different lock ids should not block each other - OVERRIDING
✅ should throw an error on lock duration with time unit below millis - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should throw an error on lock duration with time unit below millis - REENTRANT
✅ should throw an error on lock duration with time unit below millis - OVERRIDING
✅ newer lock operation should overwrite previous one - REENTRANT
✅ newer lock operation should overwrite previous one - OVERRIDING
✅ should acquire an expired lock - REENTRANT
✅ should acquire an expired lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ api/coroutines-connector/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryInfiniteAcquireLockSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 21ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryInfiniteAcquireLockSpec | 3✅ | 21ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryInfiniteAcquireLockSpec
✅ infinite lock should stay acquired even when default lock duration passes - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ infinite lock should stay acquired even when default lock duration passes - REENTRANT
✅ infinite lock should stay acquired even when default lock duration passes - OVERRIDING
✅ api/coroutines-connector/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryReleaseLockSpec.xml
23 tests were completed in 151ms with 23 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryReleaseLockSpec | 23✅ | 151ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesInMemoryReleaseLockSpec
✅ should release a previously acquired lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should release a previously acquired lock - REENTRANT
✅ should release a previously acquired lock - OVERRIDING
✅ only one of two different permanent instances may acquire a lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ only one of two different permanent instances may acquire a lock - REENTRANT
✅ only one of two different permanent instances may acquire a lock - OVERRIDING
✅ should not release a lock that was not acquired - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should not release a lock that was not acquired - REENTRANT
✅ should not release a lock that was not acquired - OVERRIDING
✅ should automatically release a lock after default lock duration - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should automatically release a lock after default lock duration - REENTRANT
✅ should automatically release a lock after default lock duration - OVERRIDING
✅ should automatically release a lock after custom lock duration - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should automatically release a lock after custom lock duration - REENTRANT
✅ should automatically release a lock after custom lock duration - OVERRIDING
✅ only the instance that acquired a lock can release it - REENTRANT
✅ only the instance that acquired a lock can release it - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ overriding lock may release a lock acquired by other owner
✅ should return false for releasing an expired lock - SINGLE_ENTRANT
✅ should return false for releasing an expired lock - REENTRANT
✅ should return false for releasing an expired lock - OVERRIDING
✅ should force release all locks
✅ should force release single lock
✅ api/coroutines/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesMigratorChangeSetSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 600ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesMigratorChangeSetSpec | 8✅ | 600ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesMigratorChangeSetSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 annotated change sets in order
✅ should run migration between manually setup change sets
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set ids
✅ should throw error Expected unique change set order values. Duplicated order value: 1
✅ should throw error Expected no declared parameters for method addIndex
✅ should throw error Expected method to declare
✅ should throw error Expected at least one changeset method annotated with @ChangeSet
✅ should throw error Method annotated with @ChangeSet should be public. Method:
✅ api/coroutines/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesMigratorSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 224ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesMigratorSpec | 8✅ | 224ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.CoroutinesMigratorSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 change sets in order
✅ should execute only the not applied change set
✅ should skip migration if it's locked by other process
✅ should break migration on first change set error
✅ should return migration result for successful migration
✅ should return migration result for rejected migration
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set id
✅ should throw error on change set id same as migration id
✅ api/coroutines/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.DistributedLockMockSpec.xml
17 tests were completed in 293ms with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.DistributedLockMockSpec | 17✅ | 293ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.DistributedLockMockSpec
✅ should record no invocation for a new lock mock instance()
✅ acquiredInMemoryLock()
✅ acquiredInMemoryLock(lockId)
✅ should record lock release invocations()
✅ releasedInMemoryLock()
✅ releasedReentrantInMemoryLock()
✅ releasedInMemoryLock(lockId)
✅ releasedReentrantInMemoryLock(lockId)
✅ should create a lock that returns a sequence of results()
✅ acquiredReentrantInMemoryLock()
✅ acquiredReentrantInMemoryLock(lockId)
✅ should record lock acquire invocations()
✅ singleStateLock(lockId, true)
✅ singleStateLock(lockId, true, false)
✅ singleStateLock(true)
✅ singleStateLock(true, false)
✅ should record acquire and release invocations()
✅ api/coroutines/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.DistributedLockSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 33ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.DistributedLockSpec | 6✅ | 33ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.DistributedLockSpec
✅ acquireAndExecute
✅ acquireAndExecute(duration)
✅ acquireAndExecute
✅ acquireAndExecute(duration)
✅ acquireAndExecute
✅ acquireAndExecute(duration)
✅ api/coroutines/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.SherlockStubSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 20ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.SherlockStubSpec | 3✅ | 20ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.coroutines.SherlockStubSpec
✅ should create sherlock returning always closed locks()
✅ should create sherlock returning always opened locks()
✅ should create sherlock returning closed locks by default and opened lock for specific id()
✅ api/reactor/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockMockSpec.xml
17 tests were completed in 336ms with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockMockSpec | 17✅ | 336ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockMockSpec
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(lockId, true)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(lockId, true, false)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(true)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(true, false)
✅ should create a lock that returns a sequence of results
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@44a93f8a lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@6c5ae8fd releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@47be41c6 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@608b35fa releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@13a268cd lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@7b3a6e95 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #2]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@4ebfb045 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@77a2688d releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #3]
✅ should create an acquired reentrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@77c692b4 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@5fa0141f releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create an acquired reentrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@6caeba36 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@8ac512e releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should create an acquired single entrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@4bbc21bd lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@14e3d439 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create an acquired single entrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock@d85b399 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@674aa626 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should record no invocation for a new lock mock instance
✅ should record lock acquire invocations
✅ should record lock release invocations
✅ should record acquire and release invocations
✅ api/reactor/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 217ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec | 6✅ | 217ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec
✅ should release the lock after executing the action [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_0prov0_closure1@13c90c06 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should release the lock after executing the action [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_0prov0_closure2@a6dffdb delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ should not execute action if lock was not acquired [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_1prov0_closure3@a1cb94 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should not execute action if lock was not acquired [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_1prov0_closure4@47c81e89 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ should release the lock after action error [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_2prov0_closure5@12548f9a delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should release the lock after action error [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_2prov0_closure6@326706d delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.DistributedLockSpec@2bc0b8c8 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ api/reactor/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.MigratorReactorSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 78ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.MigratorReactorSpec | 3✅ | 78ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.MigratorReactorSpec
✅ should execute mono
✅ should not execute mono when changeset was executed
✅ should execute changesets in order skipping one
✅ api/reactor/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.ReactorMigratorChangeSetSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 124ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.ReactorMigratorChangeSetSpec | 8✅ | 124ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.ReactorMigratorChangeSetSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 annotated change sets in order
✅ should run migration between manually setup change sets
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set ids
✅ should throw error Expected unique change set order values. Duplicated order value: 1
✅ should throw error Expected no declared parameters for method addIndex
✅ should throw error Expected method to declare
✅ should throw error Expected at least one changeset method annotated with @ChangeSet
✅ should throw error Method annotated with @ChangeSet should be public. Method:
✅ api/reactor/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.ReactorMigratorSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 110ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.ReactorMigratorSpec | 8✅ | 110ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.migrator.ReactorMigratorSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 change sets in order
✅ should execute only the not applied change set
✅ should skip migration if it's locked by other process
✅ should break migration on first change set error
✅ should return migration result for successful migration
✅ should return migration result for rejected migration
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set id
✅ should throw error on change set id same as migration id
✅ api/reactor/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.SherlockStubSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 27ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.SherlockStubSpec | 3✅ | 27ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.reactor.SherlockStubSpec
✅ should create sherlock returning always opened locks
✅ should create sherlock returning always closed locks
✅ should create sherlock returning closed locks by default and opened lock for specific id
✅ api/rxjava/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockMockSpec.xml
17 tests were completed in 131ms with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockMockSpec | 17✅ | 131ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockMockSpec
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(lockId, true)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(lockId, true, false)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(true)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(true, false)
✅ should create a lock that returns a sequence of results
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@7f22687e lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@22a4ca4a releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@27e44e9c lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@2f09e6b2 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@1bee0085 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@16e1219f releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #2]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@13f40d71 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@73a845cb releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #3]
✅ should create an acquired reentrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@18a98913 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@7dbae40 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create an acquired reentrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@34f7b44f lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@5403907 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should create an acquired single entrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@5175d9ad lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@b06d46d releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create an acquired single entrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock@25a5c8e lock=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@656c5c3 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should record no invocation for a new lock mock instance
✅ should record lock acquire invocations
✅ should record lock release invocations
✅ should record acquire and release invocations
✅ api/rxjava/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 116ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec | 6✅ | 116ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec
✅ should release the lock after executing the action [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_0prov0_closure1@79e10fb4 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d owner=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should release the lock after executing the action [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_0prov0_closure2@4e17442f delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d owner=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ should not execute action if lock was not acquired [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_1prov0_closure3@60807fd9 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d owner=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should not execute action if lock was not acquired [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_1prov0_closure4@6bcdd6e4 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d owner=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ should release the lock after action error [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_2prov0_closure5@24691c5 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d owner=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should release the lock after action error [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_2prov0_closure6@14d1737a delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d owner=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.DistributedLockSpec@70fede7d resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ api/rxjava/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.MigratorRxJavaSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 346ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.MigratorRxJavaSpec | 3✅ | 346ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.MigratorRxJavaSpec
✅ should execute completable
✅ should not execute completable when changeset was executed
✅ should execute changesets in order skipping one
✅ api/rxjava/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.RxMigratorChangeSetSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 122ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.RxMigratorChangeSetSpec | 8✅ | 122ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.RxMigratorChangeSetSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 annotated change sets in order
✅ should run migration between manually setup change sets
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set ids
✅ should throw error Expected unique change set order values. Duplicated order value: 1
✅ should throw error Expected no declared parameters for method addIndex
✅ should throw error Expected method to declare
✅ should throw error Expected at least one changeset method annotated with @ChangeSet
✅ should throw error Method annotated with @ChangeSet should be public. Method:
✅ api/rxjava/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.RxMigratorSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 109ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.RxMigratorSpec | 8✅ | 109ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.migrator.RxMigratorSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 change sets in order
✅ should execute only the not applied change set
✅ should skip migration if it's locked by other process
✅ should break migration on first change set error
✅ should return migration result for successful migration
✅ should return migration result for rejected migration
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set id
✅ should throw error on change set id same as migration id
✅ api/rxjava/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.SherlockStubSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 26ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.SherlockStubSpec | 3✅ | 26ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.rxjava.SherlockStubSpec
✅ should create sherlock returning always opened locks
✅ should create sherlock returning always closed locks
✅ should create sherlock returning closed locks by default and opened lock for specific id
✅ api/sync/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockMockSpec.xml
17 tests were completed in 121ms with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockMockSpec | 17✅ | 121ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockMockSpec
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(lockId, true)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(lockId, true, false)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(true)
✅ should create single state lock with singleStateLock(true, false)
✅ should create a lock that returns a sequence of results
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@e9474f lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@1859ffda releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@577536e0 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@12219f6a releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@52d3fafd lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@7f0b93b4 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #2]
✅ should create a released in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@1376883 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@1f736d00 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #3]
✅ should create an acquired reentrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@523a7801 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@718fd7c1 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create an acquired reentrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@4bc6da03 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@4f59a516 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should create an acquired single entrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@4e22368c lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@411cd156 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #0]
✅ should create an acquired single entrant in-memory lock [lock: <com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock@3e046e39 lock=com.coditory.sherlock.test.DistributedLockMock$InMemoryDistributedLockStub@61cda923 releases=0 acquisitions=0 successfulReleases=0 successfulAcquisitions=0>, #1]
✅ should record no invocation for a new lock mock instance
✅ should record lock acquire invocations
✅ should record lock release invocations
✅ should record acquire and release invocations
✅ api/sync/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec.xml
6 tests were completed in 111ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec | 6✅ | 111ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec
✅ should release the lock after executing the action [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_0prov0_closure2@7f3ca64a delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should release the lock after executing the action [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_0prov0_closure3@437bd805 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ should not execute action if lock was not acquired [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_1prov0_closure5@59018eed delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should not execute action if lock was not acquired [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_1prov0_closure6@71a4f441 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ should release the lock after action error [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_2prov0_closure8@c4d2c44 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #0]
✅ should release the lock after action error [action: <com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec$__spock_feature_0_2prov0_closure9@6282b9f5 delegate=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 owner=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 thisObject=com.coditory.sherlock.DistributedLockSpec@4d464510 resolveStrategy=0 directive=0 parameterTypes=[class java.lang.Object] maximumNumberOfParameters=1 bcw=null>, #1]
✅ api/sync/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.migrator.SyncMigratorChangeSetSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 141ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.migrator.SyncMigratorChangeSetSpec | 8✅ | 141ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.migrator.SyncMigratorChangeSetSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 annotated change sets in order
✅ should run migration between manually setup change sets
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set ids
✅ should throw error Expected unique change set order values. Duplicated order value: 1
✅ should throw error Expected no declared parameters for method addIndex
✅ should throw error Expected method to declare
✅ should throw error Expected at least one changeset method annotated with @ChangeSet
✅ should throw error Method annotated with @ChangeSet should be public. Method:
✅ api/sync/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.migrator.SyncMigratorSpec.xml
8 tests were completed in 151ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.migrator.SyncMigratorSpec | 8✅ | 151ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.migrator.SyncMigratorSpec
✅ should run migration with 2 change sets in order
✅ should execute only the not applied change set
✅ should skip migration if it's locked by other process
✅ should break migration on first change set error
✅ should return migration result for successful migration
✅ should return migration result for rejected migration
✅ should throw error on duplicated change set id
✅ should throw error on change set id same as migration id
✅ api/sync/build/test-results/test/TEST-com.coditory.sherlock.SherlockStubSpec.xml
3 tests were completed in 22ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
com.coditory.sherlock.SherlockStubSpec | 3✅ | 22ms |
✅ com.coditory.sherlock.SherlockStubSpec
✅ should create sherlock returning always opened locks
✅ should create sherlock returning always closed locks
✅ should create sherlock returning closed locks by default and opened lock for specific id