This project is a chat application fully developed using Angular for the frontend and NestJS for the backend, the database corresponds to a cloud MongoDB database. It includes the development of the library customizable-chat uploaded to NPM, which allows the user to introduce completely a frontend chat library using HTTP and WebSockets.
The next instructions will allow you to install the project, deploy the different sections and allow you to start developing.
For the backend directory:
npm install
npm run start
For the frontend directory:
npm install
ng serve -o
For the library directory:
npm install
In case you want to modify the library in the proper directory for development
ng build customizable-chat
For the upload of a version compile it for production
ng build customizable-chat --prod
In the library directory
ng test customizable-chat --code-coverage
- Angular - Frontend framework
- NestJs - Backend framework
- MongoDB Atlas - Database
- Docker - Deployment in containers
- Diego Pascual Ferrer - Full Development - Diegopasfer1909
This project is under the license Apache, version 2.0 - check the file for more details
With love ❤️ from Diegopasfer1909 😊