This repository is an integral part of the "High performance web services with Swift and Protocol Buffers" article available on Codete Blog.
This repository contains code samples used in the "High performance web services with Swift and Protocol Buffers" article. The server application was written in Swift and uses Kitura as a web framework and Swift Protobuf for serialization.
- the server application written in Swift and Kituraprotobuf-client
- the iOS client application written in Swiftprotobuf-gatling
- load tests in Gatling
It is a sample Kitura application serving enpoints that can work with JSON or Protobuf depending on the Accept
- Swift 3.1
- Swift Package Manager
- macOS or Linux (Ubuntu) OS
- Ruby (for generating data assets only)
More information about the server application in the README file.
It is a sample iOS application that gets data from the server in JSON or Protobuf format.
- Sample Protobuf Server running
- Xcode 8.3
- Swift 3.1
- Cocoapods 1.2.0
More information about the client application in the README file.
These are sample load tests for the sample server. It is generated by Gatling Recorder and can be run via sbt.
- sbt
- Scala
- Protobuf Sample Server running
More information about the load tests in the README file.
The source code is licensed under the MIT Licence. More information in the LICENSE file.