- dead simple to install
- customizable and easy understandable reports
- data output: Html Table, Chart, CSV, JSON
- grouped data: per day/week/month/year
- spree multi store and multi currency capable
- API: Get all data via JSON in realtime (analytics, dashboards, …)
- simple configuration for your needs
gem 'spree_reports'
, restart your server and visit your reports in Spree (/admin/reports). You will see a list of new reports spree_reports added here. Per Spree default only the „sales total“ report exists.
- Orders per Period
- Sold Products
The defaults are usually fine, but you can override them in an initializer. At least have a look at the country specific settings like time_zone
and week_start
# reports to show
SpreeReports.reports = [
# Time Zone: see http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/TimeZone.html
SpreeReports.time_zone = "Pacific Time (US & Canada)"
# Week Start Day: :mon or :sun
SpreeReports.week_start = :mon
# Reports CSV exportable? true|false
SpreeReports.csv_export = true
# available months selection in reports
SpreeReports.report_months = %w{1 3 6 12 24 36 48 all}
# default months for reports
SpreeReports.default_months = 3
# default API user role to check, when accessing reports via API
SpreeReports.api_user_role = "admin"
# default date formats
SpreeReports.date_formats = {
year: "%Y",
month: "%m.%Y",
week: "%W/%Y",
day: "%m.%d.%y"
# e.g. override the day date_format
SpreeReports.date_formats[:day] = "%d.%m.%y"
# define user roles or users to exclude these users from reports
SpreeReports.excluded_roles = %w{admin}
SpreeReports.excluded_users = %w{[email protected] [email protected]}
To get data via the API, just copy the Permalink URL displayed at the bottom of each report and change the url from „admin/reports“ to „api/spree_reports“. Now you get the same data you can download on the report as CSV as JSON (you can use the same params here). Just append your spree user API token as url parameter or as request header as described here: https://guides.spreecommerce.com/api/summary.html
# Permalink
- spree_core 2.2
- ruby 2
Note about spree 2.2 spree_reports depends on the Spree::Store model which is new in 2.3. If you use spree 2.2, have a look at the multi-domain gem to make it work.