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Hari haran edited this page Nov 2, 2015 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the Recon wiki!

Recon is a collection of software for metric aggregation, infrastructure monitoring, etc. Currently it is under heavy development, so be aware of the risks of using it. Currently, it supports only linux, specifically Ubuntu. Different distros will be supported in the future. The beta version of Recon will be released in early September. You can check out the website at

Basic design

There are 3 components to Recon:

  • recond
  • marksman
  • muzzle


recond is the daemon that runs on the machines. It is written in Go to have a light memory footprint. It collects the system metrics such as percentage of CPU used, memory consumption, filesystem metrics, network metrics, etc. It sends the update every 5 seconds to the marksman server.


marksman is the master server that aggregates the data collected from different recond agents. It also exposes an HTTP API that is consumed by the frontend.


Muzzle is the web app / UI of recon. It is a Single Page Application written using ReactJS.

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