Post a random adoptable pet from the Boston MSPCA to a twitter feed.
Project of Becky Boone and Drew during their fellowship at Code for America in 2014.
Modified by CodeforBoston to work with the API
A twitter bot that pulls data from the Petfinder API and tweets out adoptable pets from the Boston MSPCA.
It should be easily extendable to other shelters using to list their animals.
Links to API and Bot
bundle install
You need to sign up for a twitter API. You'll need all of the following:
- consumer_key
- consumer_secret
- access_token
- access_token_secret
To get twitter keys setup an application for your twitter account:
You'll also need Petfinder keys
- petfinder_key
- petfinder_secret
To get them, first register for a Petfinder account:
Then sign up for the API keys:
Then find your shelter_id by searching for a shelter in your city
Modify the .env file to include your actual keys instead of placeholders. The variables in this file will be automatically picked up when you run the rake task.
Do not commit your modified .env file to anywhere public. The .env line in the .gitignore file prevents you from accidentially exposing your keys. Do not remove this line.
rake tweet
The tweet task is in the Rakefile, which invokes the rest of cuties.rb
Install the application on a server or a computer that will be powered on continuously.
cd <install_path>
git clone [email protected]:codeforboston/CutiesInBoston.git
cd CutiesInBoston
bundle install
crontab -e # opens an editor to add a line to your scheduled cron jobs
Add the following to your crontab
00 08,16 * * * cd <install_path>/CutiesInBoston && /usr/local/bin/rake tweet
This tweets at 8:00am and 4:00pm (0800 hours and 1600 hours) every day. You can learn how to configure the crontab to your preference here.
CutiesInDenver uses Heroku and the Heroku Scheduler plugin to tweet at regular intervals.
Hat tips
Kudos to Darius for his great guide on how to make a twitter bot.
And kudo to Erik for the twitter gem.