Subte is an application to manage public transit data. It can create stops, build routes and timetables, and export to General Transit Feed Specification data which can be used by Google Transit, Open Trip Planner, and others.
This software was developed by Marcus Dillavou to aid in building transite data for the Birmingham-Jefferson County Transit Authority in Birmingham, AL. For more information, please see the project website
This software is licensed under the GPLv3 or later.
To install the project on your operating system for development, please take a look at the installation guide wiki
For issue management, we are using which integrates with github very well. Issues can also be submitted directly via github. Please submit bug reports, features requests, documentation requests, etc, as they come up; they will be addressed as they are able.
The wiki document is a collection of useful information about the project. It is recommended for users and developers to take a look at the wiki to familiarize with the project usage, plans, and general information. It is still a work in progress, so some information is not yet placed there properly.
The following are the dependencies used in the project:
- python2.7
- gobject-introspection
- glib (with gobject introspection)
- gtk3 (with gobject introspection)
- clutter (with gobject introspection)
- clutter-gtk (with gobject introspection)
- libchamplain (with gobject introspection)
- libchamplain-gtk (with gobject introspection)
- python-exif
- PIL or python-pillow
- python-lxml
- python-dateutil
This project was started as a personal linux desktop client. Since being adopted by Code for Birmingham, we have decided to port the program to windows. This is the top priority at the moment and we are hoping to make this program available as soon as practicable.