A Markdown to HTML translator.
This project is a work in progress; I'm not writing it with other people's production use cases in mind, only mine. I really don't expect anyone else to stumble across this and use it, but if you do then do so at your own peril.
I've recently taken an interest in the syntax and semantics of programming languages, and would like to explore some of the practices involved in writing one. Having said that, I don't want to dive into writing a full featured programming language for various reasons, the primary one being that I don't have any use cases where an existing language could not trivially satisfy my programming needs.
With that in mind I've started smaller with a translator that takes Markdown source text and outputs HTML.
At a very high level, Rosetta parses Markdown source into an abstract syntax tree, and then converts that AST into HTML. I've started with a subset of GitHub flavoured Markdown; I use GitHub's Markdown on a near daily basis, and if I want to use this elsewhere I probably won't have need for a full Markdown feature set.
I will only set the Gem version to V1 when I'm happy with the feature set and when tests have been written. If it's not 1.0.0 or greater, it's not finished and is subject to change!
Version is in the format x.y.z
To build the gem:
gem build rosetta-ruby.gemspec
Installing a specific local version (run from the directory the local gem is kept):
gem install ./rosetta-ruby-<version>.gem
Pushing the gem to RubyGems.org:
gem push rosetta-ruby-<version>.gem
Rosetta supports the following features. For examples of what these look like in use, visit the GitHub Markdown Guide. I'll mark each item as completed once Rosetta can convert them to its AST representation.
- Headers from 1-6
- Numbered and bulleted lists, as well as sub lists
- Quotes
- Standalone code blocks
- Block URL links
- Block image embedding
- Bold, italic, strikethrough
- Inline URL links
- Inline code blocks
- Inline image embedding
- Superscript
- Subscript
- Code block language types