Set up the environment:
brew install node
brew install watchman
npm install -g yarn
Then install react native:
npm install -g react-native-cli
You'll need to have a macbook with an up-to-date version of XCode installed.
You can run Android on any platform, including Windows and Linux.
Download JDK 8 and Android studio (make sure you install SDK 9 wheen installing Android studio).
Then add these variables to your .bash_profile
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools
Check out this repository, install dependencies, and start the app:
git clone [email protected]:codebar/intro-to-react-native.git
cd ./intro-to-react-native
yarn react-native run-ios (or) yarn react-native run-android
If you find any issues setting up, check out the react native installation guide. If you still feel stuck, get in touch with Kim Cook or Anna Doubkova at the Codebar slack.