feat(assert): export all node assert functions #173
Check Run Reporter / Unit Tests
Nov 26, 2023 in 2s
63 tests / No failures / 1 skipped test
1 test was skipped
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/assert/src/assert.test.ts
- assert
- ❔ throws a custom error
- assert
62 other tests passed
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/logger/src/console-logger.test.ts
- ConsoleLogger
- in development mode
- #_log()
- ✅ logs strings
- ✅ logs strings and errors
- #child()
- ✅ logs strings
- ✅ logs strings and errors
- ✅ logs strings and objects
- ✅ logs initial and additional metadata
- #_log()
- in production mode
- #_log()
- ✅ does not log the authorization header
- ✅ redacts user PII
- ✅ logs strings
- ✅ logs strings and objects
- ✅ logs original and additional metadata
- #_log()
- in development mode
- ConsoleLogger
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/foundation-parser/src/extractors/indexes.test.ts
- @LSI
- ✅ adds a single-field LSI to a single-field primary key
- ✅ adds a single-field LSI to a multi-field primary key
- ✅ adds a multi-field LSI to a single-field primary key
- ✅ adds a multi-field LSI to a multi-field primary key
- @GSI
- ✅ defines a simple, single-field GSI
- ✅ defines a simple, multi-field GSI
- ✅ defines a composite, single-pk, single-sk GSI
- ✅ defines a composite, single-pk, multi-sk GSI
- ✅ defines a composite, multi-pk, single-sk GSI
- ✅ defines a composite, multi-pk, multi-sk GSI
- @simpleIndex
- ✅ defines a simple, single-field GSI
- ✅ is repeatable
- PublicModel
- ✅ automatically indexes the publicId field
- @LSI
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/foundation-parser/src/extractors/primary-key.test.ts
- @partitionKey
- ✅ defines simple primary keys
- ✅ defines multi-field simple primary keys
- @compositekey
- ✅ defines composite primary keys
- ✅ defines multi-field composite primary keys
- ✅ defines multi-field composite primary keys with single-field partition key
- ✅ defines multi-field composite primary keys with single-field sort key
- ✅ defines a composite primary key with no sort key fields
- @partitionKey
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/foundation-parser/src/extractors/cdc.test.ts
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/foundation-runtime/src/errors/errors.test.ts
- AlreadyExistsError
- ✅ stringifies
- NotFoundError
- ✅ stringifies
- OptimisticLockingError
- ✅ stringifies
- UnexpectedAwsError
- ✅ stringifies
- UnexpectedError
- ✅ stringifies
- AlreadyExistsError
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/foundation-parser/src/extractors/ttl.test.ts
- @Ttl
- ✅ marks a fields as the ttl field
- ✅ expires a record after a specified duration
- ✅ optionally allows the end-user to specify an alternative expiration
- convertDuration()
- ✅ converts a duration string to milliseconds
- @Ttl
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/errors/src/http-errors.test.ts
- ClientError
- ✅ is an instanceof Exception
- ✅ is an instance of HttpException
- ✅ renders the proper name
- NotFound
- ✅ is an instanceof Exception
- ✅ is an instance of HttpException
- ✅ renders the proper name
- ✅ does not require a message
- ClientError
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/exception/src/exception.test.ts
- Exception
- ✅ is an instance of Error
- ✅ has a name property
- ✅ renders the proper name when subclassed
- ✅ renders the proper name in a deep hierarchy
- Exception
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/interact/src/interact.test.ts
- interact()
- ✅ applies an interactor to some arguments
- ✅ applies an interactor which returns an object to some arguments
- ✅ appends a child logger to the context
- ✅ runs functions that accept a scalar
- interact()
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/parallel/src/parallel.test.ts
- parallelMap()
- ✅ applies a function to a number if items in parallel
- ✅ captures and suppresses errors
- parallelMap()
- packages/@code-like-a-carpenter/assert/src/assert.test.ts
- assert
- ✅ throws a string error
- ✅ throws a provided string error
- ✅ throws a provided custom error
- assert