This repository contains a few examples about how to send analog readings From Arduino to Raspberry via Radio (nRF24L01 aka RF24).
All details are here:
Connecting the RF24 is not that hard if you follow any of the schemas below:
|_1_| 2 ~ |
| 3 | 4 [_] ~ |
| 5 | 6 ~ |
| 7 | 8 ( ) ~ |
NRF24L01 Arduino Raspberry
2 3.3v 3.3v
3 D9 22
4 D10 CS0
5 D13 SCLK
6 D11 MOSI
7 D12 MISO
First you need to download the RF24 libraries for Arduino, you can find them here, just copy the whole folder into your Arduino libraries.
Once the libraries are copied, you can run any of theArduino scripts in this repo.
First, download the c++ library for your Raspberry PI available here , install them with make
and make install
You can also compile and test the examples.
Then compile and run the raspberry code using g++ -lstdc++ -lrt -lrf24-bcm rf24.cpp -o rf24.out
and ./rf24.out