A collection of simple 404-themed games made with canvas. Ideal to embed in your 404 page! As seen on coconauts.net.
Copy the folder for your desired game, and then use an iframe
pointing to the relative path of that folder.
<iframe src="path/to/space-invaders" id='404-game'
width="512" height="500" scrolling="none" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Then you'll need a little js snippet:
var randomBetween = function(f, to){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * to) + f;
var randomGame = function(){
var games = ["pacman", "space-invaders", "snake"];
var randomGame = randomBetween(0,games.length);
return games[randomGame];
var src = "path/to/games/folder/" + randomGame();
document.getElementById('404-game').src = src;
Have fun!