To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
AVMediaCache is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'AVMediaCache'
- mediaCacheLimit 设置最大缓存值
- reportClosure 播放异常上报
- mediaForAsset: MP4链接通过此获取的AVURLAsset具备缓存能力
- mediaForPlayerItem: MP4链接通过此获取的AVPlayerItem具备缓存能力
source data total length
0 100
| ------------------------------- |
local data section
5 26 56 89
| --- | | ---- |
total section sort
0~4 5~26 27~55 56~89 90~100
| ---- ----- ------- ------ ------ |
net local net local net
a l1 b l2 c
and net-sections will be download when playing at the same time if it needed.
a - l1 - b - l2 - c
now, if seek to 0 and play:
a - l1[5~26] - b - l2[56~89] - c
-> a -> b -> c and a/b/c will to download if it needed
now, if seek to 20 and play:
l1[20~26] - b - l2 - c
-> b -> c and b/c will to download if it needed
todo: cahce m3u8
m3u8 index.file
no range, when playing and cahce -ts segments
tanxl, [email protected]
AVMediaCache is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.