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Repo for generating the LHE files for h-to-ss1ss2 model to input to CMSSW. Also generates Delphes ROOT files to check if the LHE file makes sense

LHE file Generation

Generation of the Madgraph Output Directory

import model SM-HS1S2
generate p p > h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~
output mg5_amc_output/ppTohToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve

This creates the mg5_amc_output/ppTohToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve directory

ggH with ISR:

generate p p > h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~
add process p p > h j, (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~)


generate p p > j j h / g QCD=0 QED=3 HIG=0 , (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~,SS2 > ve ve~) 
add process p p > j j j h / g QCD=1 QED=3 HIG=0 , (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~,SS2 > ve ve~) 


define w = w+ w-
generate p p > w h, (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~)
add process p p > w j h, (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~)
add process p p > z h, (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~) 
add process p p > z j h, (h > SS1 SS2, SS1 > b b~, SS2 > ve ve~) 

Create Events

Launch Madgraph to generate events.

Can run the command below to automatically create multiple runs with the specified number of events, decay width(GeV) and mass(GeV) of the LLP:

./bin/mg5_amC h-to-ss1ss2_m_scan.txt

The decay width doesn't actually matter in Madgraph, so it's set to a constant of 0.001GeV, and the decay length will be changed later by directly changing the LHE file event by event.

LHE file Modification & Verification


Run the following command to change the decay length of the LHE file, and pass the LHE file to run pythia and Delphes to create a ROOT file where we can visualiz the result:

. 10 "run_m50_w0p001"

First argument gives the proper lifetime (cτ) in mm.

Second argument is the name of the run directory.

Three steps are performed in

  1. Run the python script to modify the LHE file:
python bin/internal/ input.lhe.gz output.lhe cτ
  1. Use madevent to run pythia on the existing run. Have to rename and gzip the modified LHE file output.lhe to unweighted_events.lhe.gz for pythia8 to recognize and run it. This processes produces a .hepmc file that Delphes will take as input:
./bin/madevent pythia8 run_name --tag=tag_name
  1. Run Delphes using the default CMS card. An output ROOT file is created:
/DelphesTiming/DelphesHepMC cards/delphes_card_CMS.tcl output.root input.hepmc


Open the output ROOT file from Delphes and plot the historgram of the decay length of the LLPs:

Delphes->Draw("sqrt( Particle.X*Particle.X + Particle.Y*Particle.Y+Particle.Z*Particle.Z)/(sqrt(Particle.Px[Particle.M1]*Particle.Px[Particle.M1] + Particle.Py[Particle.M1]*Particle.Py[Particle.M1]+Particle.Pz[Particle.M1]*Particle.Pz[Particle.M1])/Particle.E[Particle.M1]*1./sqrt(1-(Particle.Px[Particle.M1]*Particle.Px[Particle.M1] + Particle.Py[Particle.M1]*Particle.Py[Particle.M1]+Particle.Pz[Particle.M1]*Particle.Pz[Particle.M1])/(Particle.E[Particle.M1]*Particle.E[Particle.M1])))", "Particle.PID==5 && Particle.Status==23")

This should be an exponential with decaying length equal to the first argument (cτ) given when is run

Pass through CMSSW to get AOD files

Get the modified LHE files. Put the LHE files in: /store/group/phys_susy/razor/christiw/ppTohToSS1SS2_SS1Tobb_SS2Toveve_ggh_withISR_LHE/ crab config files MC_production output:


Generate the LHE files for h-to-ss1ss2 model






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