A fusion composition to serve as a base grade for DNG sequences. Works with the free DaVinci Resolve version.
The way Resolve's Camera Raw handles DNG is different than other RAW video formats: it is mapping to a display referred (not scene referred) workspace and it doesn't clip anything regardless of the timeline settings. Those are the main issues we're trying to solve here (plus some color matrix metadata not passed along so we also need some color corrections). It is comprised of a curve, a tone mapper and few saturation adjustments.
It's graded according to my taste and might be subject to change. It's using https://github.com/sobotka/AgX-Resolve.
Select the node named "AgX" and set the "OCIO config path" so it is pointing to "config.ocio" (source should be "Linear BT.709", "Output Space" "AgX Base" and "Look" "None").
Copy/paste* to all your fusion clips. You can switch to the "Color" tab.
Copy/paste* to all your clips. You can adjust your "Camera Raw" settings (like exposure, temperature, etc) if needed and start grading as usual.
*To copy/paste settings to all your clips (set everything to Linear for exemple), select your ungraded clips with shift and then middle click on the clip you want to copy from. Works whether you are in the Fusion or the Color tab.
You can skip the whole copy/paste in the "Color" tab settings if you set your Project Settings instead.
Save your Fusion composition (File->Export->Fusion Composition...), so you don't have to set the path and do your settings anymore. Alternatively, you can edit AgX_lin.comp to set the path with a text editor, search for "OCIOConfig = Input", exemple: OCIOConfig = Input { Value = "D:\Resolve_DNG_Workflow\Grades\AgX\config.ocio", },
If your playback isn't realtime you can set you playback resolution to half (Playback->Timeline Proxy Resolution->Half). Works great if you want to start editing/grading while MLVApp is still dumping.
If you tick "Highlight Recovery" you might get some bad banding where it's overexposed (low saturation is fine, like recovering details on a white object).
Unfortunatly the black levels of my DNG sequences are not as consistent as I'd like so, depending on the clip's exposure, you might want to adjust the lift in Camera Raw (-0.5>0.15).