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Cloudwalk PHP Stack Docker

Cloudwalk PHP Stack Docker. It facilitate running PHP Apps on Docker.

Use Docker first and learn about it later.

Supported Software (Containers)

  • Database Engines:
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB
  • Cache Engines:
    • Redis
    • Memcached
  • PHP Servers:
    • NGINX
    • Apache2
  • PHP Compilers:
    • PHP-FPM
  • Message Queueing Systems:
    • RabbitMQ
    • RabbitMQ Console
  • Tools:
    • ElasticSearch
    • Workspace
      • PHP7-CLI
      • Composer
      • Git
      • Linuxbrew
      • Node
      • Gulp
      • SQLite
      • xDebug
      • Envoy
      • Deployer
      • Vim
      • Yarn

If you can't find your Software, build it yourself and add it to this list. Contributions are welcomed :)

What is Docker?

Docker is an open-source project that automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization on Linux, Mac OS and Windows.



Choose the setup the best suits your needs.

A) Setup for Single Project:

(In case you want a Docker environment for each project)

A.1) Setup environment in existing Project:

(In case you already have a project, and you want to setup an environment to run it)

1 - Clone this repository on your project root directory:

git submodule add

If you are not already using Git for your PHP project, you can use git clone instead of git submodule.

Note: In this case the folder structure will be like this:

- project1
	- cwd-php-docker
- project2
	- cwd-php-docker
A.2) Setup environment first then create project:

(In case you don't have a project, and you want to create your project inside the Docker environment)

1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine:

git clone

Note: In this case the folder structure will be like this:

- projects
	- cwd-php-docker
	- myProject

2 - Edit the docker-compose.yml file to map to your project directory once you have it (example: - ../myProject:/var/www).

3 - Stop and re-run your docker-compose command for the changes to take place.

docker-compose stop && docker-compose up -d XXXX YYYY ZZZZ ....

B) Setup for Multiple Projects:

1 - Clone this repository anywhere on your machine:

git clone

2 - Edit the docker-compose.yml file to map to your projects directories:

        image: tianon/true
            - ../project1/:/var/www/project1
            - ../project2/:/var/www/project2

3 - You can access all sites by visiting http://localhost/project1/public and http://localhost/project2/public but of course that's not very useful so let's setup nginx quickly.

4 - Go to nginx/sites and copy sample.conf.example to project1.conf then to project2.conf

5 - Open the project1.conf file and edit the server_name and the root as follow:

    root /var/www/project1/public;

Do the same for each project project2.conf, project3.conf,...

6 - Add the domains to the hosts files.

7 - Create your project Databases. Right now you have to do it manually by entering your DB container, until we automate it soon.


Read Before starting:

If you are using Docker Toolbox (VM), do one of the following:

  • Upgrade to Docker Native for Mac/Windows (Recommended).

1 - Run Containers: (Make sure you are in the cwd-php-docker folder before running the docker-compose commands).

Example: Running NGINX and MySQL:

docker-compose up -d nginx mysql

Note: The workspace and php-fpm will run automatically in most of the cases, so no need to specify them in the up command. If you couldn't find them running then you need specify them as follow: docker-compose up -d nginx php-fpm mysql workspace.

You can select your own combination of Containers form the list below:

nginx, php-fpm, mysql, redis, mariadb, apache2, memcached, rabbitmq, workspace, elasticsearch.

2 - Enter the Workspace container, to execute commands like (Artisan, Composer, PHPUnit, Gulp, ...).
docker-compose exec workspace bash

Alternativey, for Windows Powershell users: execute the following command to enter any running container:

docker exec -it {workspace-container-id} bash

Note: You can add --user=laradock (example docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash) to have files created as your host's user. (you can change the PUID (User id) and PGID (group id) variables from the docker-compose.yml).

3 - Edit your project configurations.

Open your .env file and set the DB_HOST to mysql:


If you want to use Laravel and you don't have it installed yet, see How to Install Laravel in a Docker Container.

4 - Open your browser and visit your localhost address (`http://localhost/`).
**Debugging**: if you are facing any problem here check the [Debugging](#debugging) section.
## Documentation

List current running Containers

docker ps

You can also use the following command if you want to see only this project containers:

docker-compose ps

### Close all running Containers ```bash docker-compose stop ```

To stop single container do:

docker-compose stop {container-name}

### Delete all existing Containers ```bash docker-compose down ```
### Enter a Container (run commands in a running Container)

1 - First list the current running containers with docker ps

2 - Enter any container using:

docker-compose exec {container-name} bash

Example: enter MySQL container

docker-compose exec mysql bash

3 - To exit a container, type exit.

### Edit default container configuration Open the `docker-compose.yml` and change anything you want.


Change MySQL Database Name:

        MYSQL_DATABASE: medix

Change Redis defaut port to 1111:

        - "1111:6379"

### Edit a Docker Image

1 - Find the dockerfile of the image you want to edit,
example for mysql it will be mysql/Dockerfile.

2 - Edit the file the way you want.

3 - Re-build the container:

docker-compose build mysql

More info on Containers rebuilding here.

### Build/Re-build Containers

If you do any change to any dockerfile make sure you run this command, for the changes to take effect:

docker-compose build

Optionally you can specify which container to rebuild (instead of rebuilding all the containers):

docker-compose build {container-name}

You might use the --no-cache option if you want full rebuilding (docker-compose build --no-cache {container-name}).

### View the Log files The Nginx Log file is stored in the `logs/nginx` directory.

However to view the logs of all the other containers (MySQL, PHP-FPM,...) you can run this:

docker logs {container-name}

Install PHP Extensions

Before installing PHP extensions, you have to decide whether you need for the FPM or CLI because each lives on a different container, if you need it for both you have to edit both containers.

The PHP-FPM extensions should be installed in php-fpm/Dockerfile-XX. (replace XX with your default PHP version number).
The PHP-CLI extensions should be installed in workspace/Dockerfile.

### Change the (PHP-FPM) Version By default **PHP-FPM 7.0** is running.

The PHP-FPM is responsible of serving your application code, you don't have to change the PHP-CLI version if you are planning to run your application on different PHP-FPM version.

A) Switch from PHP 7.0 to PHP 5.6

1 - Open the docker-compose.yml.

2 - Search for Dockerfile-70 in the PHP container section.

3 - Change the version number, by replacing Dockerfile-70 with Dockerfile-56, like this:

            context: ./php-fpm
            dockerfile: Dockerfile-70

4 - Finally rebuild the container

docker-compose build php-fpm

For more details about the PHP base image, visit the official PHP docker images.

B) Switch from PHP 7.0 or 5.6 to PHP 5.5

### Change the PHP-CLI Version By default **PHP-CLI 7.0** is running.

Note: it's not very essential to edit the PHP-CLI version. The PHP-CLI is only used for the Artisan Commands & Composer. It doesn't serve your Application code, this is the PHP-FPM job.

The PHP-CLI is installed in the Workspace container. To change the PHP-CLI version you need to edit the workspace/Dockerfile.

Right now you have to manually edit the Dockerfile or create a new one like it's done for the PHP-FPM. (consider contributing).

### Install xDebug

1 - First install xDebug in the Workspace and the PHP-FPM Containers:
a) open the docker-compose.yml file
b) search for the INSTALL_XDEBUG argument under the Workspace Container
c) set it to true
d) search for the INSTALL_XDEBUG argument under the PHP-FPM Container
e) set it to true

It should be like this:

            context: ./workspace
                - INSTALL_XDEBUG=true
            context: ./php-fpm
                - INSTALL_XDEBUG=true

2 - Re-build the containers docker-compose build workspace php-fpm

3 - Open cwd-php-docker/workspace/xdebug.ini and/or cwd-php-docker/php-fpm/xdebug.ini and enable at least the following configs:


### Start/Stop xDebug:

By installing xDebug, you are enabling it to run on startup by default.

To control the behavior of xDebug (in the php-fpm Container), you can run the following commands from the cwd-php-docker root folder, (at the same prompt where you run docker-compose):

  • Stop xDebug from running by default: ./xdebugPhpFpm stop.
  • Start xDebug by default: ./xdebugPhpFpm start.
  • See the status: ./xdebugPhpFpm status.

Install Laravel from a Docker Container

1 - First you need to enter the Workspace Container.

2 - Install Laravel.

Example using Composer

composer create-project laravel/laravel my-cool-app "5.2.*"

We recommend using composer create-project instead of the Laravel installer, to install Laravel.

For more about the Laravel installation click here.

3 - Edit docker-compose.yml to Map the new application path:

By default, cwd-php-docker assumes the Laravel application is living in the parent directory of the cwd-php-docker folder.

Since the new Laravel application is in the my-cool-app folder, we need to replace ../:/var/www with ../my-cool-app/:/var/www, as follow:

		 image: tianon/true
            - ../my-cool-app/:/var/www

4 - Go to that folder and start working..

cd my-cool-app

### Run Artisan Commands

You can run artisan commands and many other Terminal commands from the Workspace container.

1 - Make sure you have the workspace container running.

docker-compose up -d workspace // ..and all your other containers

2 - Find the Workspace container name:

docker-compose ps

3 - Enter the Workspace container:

docker-compose exec workspace bash

Add --user=laradock (example docker-compose exec --user=laradock workspace bash) to have files created as your host's user.

4 - Run anything you want :)

php artisan
Composer update

### Use Redis

1 - First make sure you run the Redis Container (redis) with the docker-compose up command.

docker-compose up -d redis

2 - Open your Laravel's .env file and set the REDIS_HOST to redis


If you don't find the REDIS_HOST variable in your .env file. Go to the database configuration file config/database.php and replace the default IP with redis for Redis like this:

'redis' => [
    'cluster' => false,
    'default' => [
        'host'     => 'redis',
        'port'     => 6379,
        'database' => 0,

3 - To enable Redis Caching and/or for Sessions Management. Also from the .env file set CACHE_DRIVER and SESSION_DRIVER to redis instead of the default file.


4 - Finally make sure you have the predis/predis package (~1.0) installed via Composer:

composer require predis/predis:^1.0

5 - You can manually test it from Laravel with this code:

\Cache::store('redis')->put('LaraDock', 'Awesome', 10);

### Use ElasticSearch

1 - Run the ElasticSearch Container (elasticsearch) with the docker-compose up command:

docker-compose up -d elasticsearch

2 - Open your browser and visit the localhost on port 9200: http://localhost:9200

Install ElasticSearch Plugin

1 - Install the ElasticSearch plugin like delete-by-query.

docker exec {container-name} /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install delete-by-query

2 - Restart elasticsearch container

docker restart {container-name}

### Change the timezone

To change the timezone for the workspace container, modify the TZ build argument in the Docker Compose file to one in the TZ database.

For example, if I want the timezone to be New York:

            context: ./workspace
                - TZ=America/New_York

We also recommend setting the timezone in Laravel.

### Adding cron jobs

You can add your cron jobs to workspace/crontab/root after the php artisan line.

* * * * * php /var/www/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1

# Custom cron
* * * * * root echo "Every Minute" > /var/log/cron.log 2>&1

Make sure you change the timezone if you don't want to use the default (UTC).

### Access workspace via ssh

You can access the workspace container through localhost:2222 by setting the INSTALL_WORKSPACE_SSH build argument to true.

To change the default forwarded port for ssh:

			- "2222:22" # Edit this line

### MySQL access from host

You can forward the MySQL/MariaDB port to your host by making sure these lines are added to the mysql or mariadb section of the docker-compose.yml or in your environment specific Compose file.

    - "3307:3306"

### MySQL root access

The default username and password for the root mysql user are root and root .

1 - Enter the mysql contaier: docker-compose exec mysql bash.

2 - Enter mysql: mysql -uroot -proot for non root access use mysql -uhomestead -psecret.

3 - See all users: SELECT User FROM mysql.user;

4 - Run any commands show databases, show tables, select * from......

### Change MySQL port

Modify the mysql/my.cnf file to set your port number, 1234 is used as an example.


If you need MySQL access from your host, do not forget to change the internal port number ("3306:3306" -> "3306:1234") in the docker-compose configuration file.

### Use custom Domain (instead of the Docker IP)

Assuming your custom domain is

1 - Open your /etc/hosts file and map your localhost address to the domain, by adding the following:

2 - Open your browser and visit {}

Optionally you can define the server name in the nginx configuration file, like this:


### Enable Global Composer Build Install

Enabling Global Composer Install during the build for the container allows you to get your composer requirements installed and available in the container after the build is done.

1 - Open the docker-compose.yml file

2 - Search for the COMPOSER_GLOBAL_INSTALL argument under the Workspace Container and set it to true

It should be like this:

            context: ./workspace
                - COMPOSER_GLOBAL_INSTALL=true

3 - Now add your dependencies to workspace/composer.json

4 - Re-build the Workspace Container docker-compose build workspace

### Install Prestissimo

Prestissimo is a plugin for composer which enables parallel install functionality.

1 - Enable Running Global Composer Install during the Build:

Click on this Enable Global Composer Build Install and do steps 1 and 2 only then continue here.

2 - Add prestissimo as requirement in Composer:

a - Now open the workspace/composer.json file

b - Add "hirak/prestissimo": "^0.3" as requirement

c - Re-build the Workspace Container docker-compose build workspace

### Install Node + NVM

To install NVM and NodeJS in the Workspace container

1 - Open the docker-compose.yml file

2 - Search for the INSTALL_NODE argument under the Workspace Container and set it to true

It should be like this:

            context: ./workspace
                - INSTALL_NODE=true

3 - Re-build the container docker-compose build workspace

### Install Node + YARN

Yarn is a new package manager for JavaScript. It is so faster than npm, which you can find here.To install NodeJS and Yarn in the Workspace container:

1 - Open the docker-compose.yml file

2 - Search for the INSTALL_NODE and INSTALL_YARN argument under the Workspace Container and set it to true

It should be like this:

            context: ./workspace
                - INSTALL_NODE=true
                - INSTALL_YARN=true

3 - Re-build the container docker-compose build workspace

### Install Linuxbrew

Linuxbrew is a package manager for Linux. It is the Linux version of MacOS Homebrew and can be found here. To install Linuxbrew in the Workspace container:

1 - Open the docker-compose.yml file

2 - Search for the INSTALL_LINUXBREW argument under the Workspace Container and set it to true

It should be like this:

            context: ./workspace
                - INSTALL_LINUXBREW=true

3 - Re-build the container docker-compose build workspace

### Common Terminal Aliases When you start your docker container, cwd-php-docker will copy the `` file located in the `cwd-php-docker/workspace` directory and add sourcing to the container `~/.bashrc` file.

You are free to modify the as you see fit, adding your own aliases (or function macros) to suit your requirements.

I see a blank (white) page instead of the Laravel 'Welcome' page!

Run the following command from the Laravel root directory:

sudo chmod -R 777 storage bootstrap/cache

I see "Welcome to nginx" instead of the Laravel App!

Use instead of http://localhost:8000 in your browser.

I see an error message containing address already in use or port is already allocated

Make sure the ports for the services that you are trying to run (22, 8000, 443, 3306, etc.) are not being used already by other programs on the host, such as a built in apache/httpd service or other development tools you have installed.

I get Nginx error 404 Not Found on Windows.

  1. Go to docker Settings on your Windows machine.
  2. Click on the Shared Drives tab and check the drive that contains your project files.
  3. Enter your windows username and password.
  4. Go to the reset tab and click restart docker.

The time in my services does not match the current time

  1. Make sure you've changed the timezone.
  2. Stop and rebuild the containers (docker-compose up -d --build <services>)

I get Mysql connection refused

This error sometimes happens because your Laravel application isn't running on the container localhost IP (Which is Steps to fix it:

  • Option A
    1. Check your running Laravel application IP by dumping Request::ip() variable using dd(Request::ip()) anywhere on your application. The result is the IP of your Laravel container.
    2. Change the DB_HOST variable on env with the IP that you received from previous step.
  • Option B
    1. Change the DB_HOST value to the same name as the mysql docker container. The cwd-php-docker docker-compose file currently has this as mysql


php stack for cloudwalkph projects







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