A Clojure library for interacting with Mailchimp's API. In search of a better name.
Available from clojar, by adding the following to your project.clj
[org.clojars.zenbox/mailchimp "0.1.1"]
Usage params are explicit - you'll need to pass in your API key, region, and method params for each call.
(use 'mailchimp.core)
(ping "us1" "api-key" {})
(lists-for-email "us1" "api-key" {:email_address "[email protected]"})
(list-unsubscribe "us1" "api-key" {:email_address "[email protected]"})
The only command that doesn't require a region or params is the metadata
command. Use it simply by passing in the API key:
(metada "api-key")
Will return something similar to:
{"dc" "us5", "login_url" "https://login.mailchimp.com", "api_endpoint" "https://us5.api.mailchimp.com"}
Any command listed on http://apidocs.mailchimp.com/api/1.3/ should work in this library
Integrate the Mailchimp Documentation into the repl for easier usage. For example, each command should have its description alongside the params specific to it, and expected return type.
Possibly a few higher-level wrappers, for example (with-mailchimp-api-key "api-key" (sequence of mailchimp commands))
, also for the region, email_address, etc.
Copyright © 2013 Bushido Inc (Zenbox)
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.