Tags: cloudamqp/amqproxy
[v2.0.3] - 2024-10-23 - Added config option term_client_close_timeout and cli option --term-client-close-timeout to set how long to wait for clients to close their connections before sending Close when amqproxy receives a TERM signal. - Added a HTTP health check on http://listen_address:http_port/healthz - Added metrics on http://listen_address:http_port/metrics - Don't log when a client just opens and closes a TCP connection - Compile static binary
v2.0.0 - IPv6 addresses in brackets supported in upstream URL (eg. amqp://[::1]) - Otherwise unchanged from v2.0.0-rc.8 - Main difference against v1.x is that channels are pooled, multiple client channels are shared on a single upstream connection, dramatically decreasing the number of upstream connections needed
v2.0.0-rc.4 - 2024-04-11 - Bufix: Only send channel.close once, and gracefully wait for closeok - Buffer publish frames and only send full publishes as RabbitMQ doesn't support channel.close in the middle of a publish frame sequence - Optimization: only flush socket buffer after a full publish sequence, not for each frame