All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
create_organization_domain | POST /organizations/{organization_id}/domains | Create a new organization domain. |
delete_organization_domain | DELETE /organizations/{organization_id}/domains/{domain_id} | Remove a domain from an organization. |
list_organization_domains | GET /organizations/{organization_id}/domains | Get a list of all domains of an organization. |
create_organization_domain(organization_id, create_organization_domain_request)
Create a new organization domain.
Creates a new organization domain. By default the domain is verified, but can be optionally set to unverified.
require 'time'
require 'clerk-sdk-ruby-backend'
# setup authorization
ClerkBackend.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (sk_<environment>_<secret value>): bearerAuth
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
api_instance =
organization_id = 'organization_id_example' # String | The ID of the organization where the new domain will be created.
create_organization_domain_request = # CreateOrganizationDomainRequest |
# Create a new organization domain.
result = api_instance.create_organization_domain(organization_id, create_organization_domain_request)
p result
rescue ClerkBackend::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling OrganizationDomainsApi->create_organization_domain: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> create_organization_domain_with_http_info(organization_id, create_organization_domain_request)
# Create a new organization domain.
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.create_organization_domain_with_http_info(organization_id, create_organization_domain_request)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OrganizationDomain>
rescue ClerkBackend::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling OrganizationDomainsApi->create_organization_domain_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
organization_id | String | The ID of the organization where the new domain will be created. | |
create_organization_domain_request | CreateOrganizationDomainRequest |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
delete_organization_domain(organization_id, domain_id)
Remove a domain from an organization.
Removes the given domain from the organization.
require 'time'
require 'clerk-sdk-ruby-backend'
# setup authorization
ClerkBackend.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (sk_<environment>_<secret value>): bearerAuth
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
api_instance =
organization_id = 'organization_id_example' # String | The ID of the organization the domain belongs to
domain_id = 'domain_id_example' # String | The ID of the domain
# Remove a domain from an organization.
result = api_instance.delete_organization_domain(organization_id, domain_id)
p result
rescue ClerkBackend::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling OrganizationDomainsApi->delete_organization_domain: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> delete_organization_domain_with_http_info(organization_id, domain_id)
# Remove a domain from an organization.
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.delete_organization_domain_with_http_info(organization_id, domain_id)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <DeletedObject>
rescue ClerkBackend::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling OrganizationDomainsApi->delete_organization_domain_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
organization_id | String | The ID of the organization the domain belongs to | |
domain_id | String | The ID of the domain |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
list_organization_domains(organization_id, opts)
Get a list of all domains of an organization.
Get a list of all domains of an organization.
require 'time'
require 'clerk-sdk-ruby-backend'
# setup authorization
ClerkBackend.configure do |config|
# Configure Bearer authorization (sk_<environment>_<secret value>): bearerAuth
config.access_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN'
api_instance =
organization_id = 'organization_id_example' # String | The organization ID.
opts = {
limit: 8.14, # Float | Applies a limit to the number of results returned. Can be used for paginating the results together with `offset`.
offset: 8.14, # Float | Skip the first `offset` results when paginating. Needs to be an integer greater or equal to zero. To be used in conjunction with `limit`.
verified: 'verified_example', # String | Filter domains by their verification status. `true` or `false`
enrollment_mode: 'enrollment_mode_example' # String | Filter domains by their enrollment mode
# Get a list of all domains of an organization.
result = api_instance.list_organization_domains(organization_id, opts)
p result
rescue ClerkBackend::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling OrganizationDomainsApi->list_organization_domains: #{e}"
This returns an Array which contains the response data, status code and headers.
<Array(, Integer, Hash)> list_organization_domains_with_http_info(organization_id, opts)
# Get a list of all domains of an organization.
data, status_code, headers = api_instance.list_organization_domains_with_http_info(organization_id, opts)
p status_code # => 2xx
p headers # => { ... }
p data # => <OrganizationDomains>
rescue ClerkBackend::ApiError => e
puts "Error when calling OrganizationDomainsApi->list_organization_domains_with_http_info: #{e}"
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
organization_id | String | The organization ID. | |
limit | Float | Applies a limit to the number of results returned. Can be used for paginating the results together with `offset`. | [optional][default to 10] |
offset | Float | Skip the first `offset` results when paginating. Needs to be an integer greater or equal to zero. To be used in conjunction with `limit`. | [optional][default to 0] |
verified | String | Filter domains by their verification status. `true` or `false` | [optional] |
enrollment_mode | String | Filter domains by their enrollment mode | [optional] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json