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This project is built using Node.js and MongoDB, following a modular architecture to ensure scalability and maintainability. It serves as a sample project to demonstrate best practices in RESTful API development with JWT authentication.

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Notes API

A RESTful API for managing notes with authentication and authorization features. This project is built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and follows a modular architecture to ensure scalability and maintainability. It serves as a sample project to demonstrate best practices in RESTful API development with JWT authentication.


The purpose of this project is to provide a sample API for a note-taking system, similar to Google Keep. It implements CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) for notes and includes user authentication using JWT tokens. This project can be used as a base for other systems or as part of a portfolio.


  • User registration and login with JWT authentication
  • CRUD operations for notes:
    • Create new note
    • List all notes
    • Update note (including features like pinning, color change, and archiving)
    • Delete note
  • Checklist support for notes, allowing the creation of to-do lists within notes.
  • Real-time notifications using WebSockets for note reminders and checklist updates.
  • Undo action for archiving notes.
  • Tagging system for better organization of notes.
  • Route protection using authentication middleware.
  • Swagger documentation for easy integration and testing.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js - JavaScript runtime
  • Express.js - Web framework for API development
  • MongoDB - NoSQL database
  • Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB
  • jsonwebtoken - Token generation and validation for JWT
  • bcryptjs - Password hashing
  • helmet - Adds security headers
  • express-validator - Input data validation
  • cors - Enables CORS for cross-origin requests
  • websocket - For real-time notifications

Project Architecture

This project follows a modular architecture, known as Model-Routes-Controller (MRC), which promotes clear separation of responsibilities and facilitates maintenance and scalability.

Folder Structure

├── config/                   # General project configuration
│   └── db.mjs                # Database connection
├── controllers/              # API operation logic
│   ├── noteController.mjs    # Note controller
│   ├── userController.mjs    # User controller
│   └── tagController.mjs     # Tag controller
├── models/                   # Data models
│   ├── Note.mjs              # Note model
│   ├── User.mjs              # User model
│   └── Tag.mjs               # Tag model
├── middlewares/              # Middleware for validation and authentication
│   ├── authMiddleware.mjs    # JWT authentication middleware
│   └── logMiddleware.mjs     # Logging middleware
├── routes/                   # API route definitions
│   ├── noteRoutes.mjs        # Note-related routes
│   ├── userRoutes.mjs        # User-related routes
│   └── tagRoutes.mjs         # Tag-related routes
├── swagger/                  # Swagger documentation configuration
│   └── swaggerConfig.mjs     # Swagger setup
|   └── swaggerSchemas.mjs    # Swagger schemas
├── tests/                    # Unit and integration tests
│   ├── note.test.mjs         # Note tests
│   ├── user.test.mjs         # User tests
│   └── tag.test.mjs          # Tag tests
├── utils/                    # Utility functions and helpers
│   ├── logger.mjs            # Custom logger
│   └── reminderUtils.mjs     # Reminder checker
├── websockets/               # WebSocket server
│   └── socketServer.mjs      # Handles WebSocket events
├── app.mjs                   # App initialization
├── server.mjs                # Server setup and startup
├── package.json              # Project dependencies and scripts
├── .env                      # Environment variables
├── .gitignore                # Git ignore file
└──                 # Project documentation

Folder Descriptions

  • config/: Contains general project configuration, like database setup.
  • controllers/: Functions to handle HTTP request logic.
  • models/: Data models defined for API, such as Task and User, used by MongoDB.
  • middlewares/: Middleware functions for request validation and authentication.
  • routes/: API route files, defining endpoints and mapping them to controllers.
  • tests/: Unit and integration tests to ensure endpoints function correctly.
  • utils/: Utility functions, such as a logger, that can be used throughout the project.

Setup and Usage


  1. Node.js
  2. MongoDB (local or MongoDB Atlas)
  3. Postman or similar to test endpoints

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
cd notes-api
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Set up the .env file:
  1. Start the server:
npm start


To run test:

npm test



  • POST /api/v1/users/register - Registers a new user
  • POST /api/v1/users/login - Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token


  • POST /api/v1/notes: Creates a new note (authenticated)
  • GET /api/v1/notes: Retrieves all notes for the authenticated user
  • GET /api/v1/notes/:id : Retrieves a single note by ID (authenticated)
  • PUT /api/v1/notes/:id : Updates a note (authenticated) — can update features like pinning, color change, and archiving
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id : Deletes a note (authenticated)


  • POST /api/v1/tags: Creates a new tag.
  • GET /api/v1/tags: Retrieves all tags for the authenticated user.

WebSocket Features

  • Real-time reminders: Receives a notification when a reminder is triggered.
  • Checklist updates: Updates checklist status in real time.

Example Note Features

  • Pinning: Notes can be pinned to always appear at the top of the list.
  • Color Change: Notes can have customizable background colors.
  • Archiving: Notes can be archived and unarchived.
  • Reminder: Notes can have reminders that are triggered using WebSockets for real-time notifications.
  • Checklist: Supports adding, toggling, and removing checklist items.

Swagger Documentation



Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request or report an issue.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


This project is built using Node.js and MongoDB, following a modular architecture to ensure scalability and maintainability. It serves as a sample project to demonstrate best practices in RESTful API development with JWT authentication.







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