A RESTful API for managing notes with authentication and authorization features. This project is built using Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and follows a modular architecture to ensure scalability and maintainability. It serves as a sample project to demonstrate best practices in RESTful API development with JWT authentication.
The purpose of this project is to provide a sample API for a note-taking system, similar to Google Keep. It implements CRUD operations (create, read, update, delete) for notes and includes user authentication using JWT tokens. This project can be used as a base for other systems or as part of a portfolio.
- User registration and login with JWT authentication
- CRUD operations for notes:
- Create new note
- List all notes
- Update note (including features like pinning, color change, and archiving)
- Delete note
- Checklist support for notes, allowing the creation of to-do lists within notes.
- Real-time notifications using WebSockets for note reminders and checklist updates.
- Undo action for archiving notes.
- Tagging system for better organization of notes.
- Route protection using authentication middleware.
- Swagger documentation for easy integration and testing.
- Node.js - JavaScript runtime
- Express.js - Web framework for API development
- MongoDB - NoSQL database
- Mongoose - ODM for MongoDB
- jsonwebtoken - Token generation and validation for JWT
- bcryptjs - Password hashing
- helmet - Adds security headers
- express-validator - Input data validation
- cors - Enables CORS for cross-origin requests
- websocket - For real-time notifications
This project follows a modular architecture, known as Model-Routes-Controller (MRC), which promotes clear separation of responsibilities and facilitates maintenance and scalability.
├── config/ # General project configuration
│ └── db.mjs # Database connection
├── controllers/ # API operation logic
│ ├── noteController.mjs # Note controller
│ ├── userController.mjs # User controller
│ └── tagController.mjs # Tag controller
├── models/ # Data models
│ ├── Note.mjs # Note model
│ ├── User.mjs # User model
│ └── Tag.mjs # Tag model
├── middlewares/ # Middleware for validation and authentication
│ ├── authMiddleware.mjs # JWT authentication middleware
│ └── logMiddleware.mjs # Logging middleware
├── routes/ # API route definitions
│ ├── noteRoutes.mjs # Note-related routes
│ ├── userRoutes.mjs # User-related routes
│ └── tagRoutes.mjs # Tag-related routes
├── swagger/ # Swagger documentation configuration
│ └── swaggerConfig.mjs # Swagger setup
| └── swaggerSchemas.mjs # Swagger schemas
├── tests/ # Unit and integration tests
│ ├── note.test.mjs # Note tests
│ ├── user.test.mjs # User tests
│ └── tag.test.mjs # Tag tests
├── utils/ # Utility functions and helpers
│ ├── logger.mjs # Custom logger
│ └── reminderUtils.mjs # Reminder checker
├── websockets/ # WebSocket server
│ └── socketServer.mjs # Handles WebSocket events
├── app.mjs # App initialization
├── server.mjs # Server setup and startup
├── package.json # Project dependencies and scripts
├── .env # Environment variables
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
└── README.md # Project documentation
- config/: Contains general project configuration, like database setup.
- controllers/: Functions to handle HTTP request logic.
- models/: Data models defined for API, such as Task and User, used by MongoDB.
- middlewares/: Middleware functions for request validation and authentication.
- routes/: API route files, defining endpoints and mapping them to controllers.
- tests/: Unit and integration tests to ensure endpoints function correctly.
- utils/: Utility functions, such as a logger, that can be used throughout the project.
- Node.js
- MongoDB (local or MongoDB Atlas)
- Postman or similar to test endpoints
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/cleosilva/api-notes.git
cd notes-api
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up the .env file:
- Start the server:
npm start
To run test:
npm test
- POST /api/v1/users/register - Registers a new user
- POST /api/v1/users/login - Authenticates a user and returns a JWT token
- POST /api/v1/notes: Creates a new note (authenticated)
- GET /api/v1/notes: Retrieves all notes for the authenticated user
- GET /api/v1/notes/:id : Retrieves a single note by ID (authenticated)
- PUT /api/v1/notes/:id : Updates a note (authenticated) — can update features like pinning, color change, and archiving
- DELETE /api/notes/:id : Deletes a note (authenticated)
- POST /api/v1/tags: Creates a new tag.
- GET /api/v1/tags: Retrieves all tags for the authenticated user.
- Real-time reminders: Receives a notification when a reminder is triggered.
- Checklist updates: Updates checklist status in real time.
- Pinning: Notes can be pinned to always appear at the top of the list.
- Color Change: Notes can have customizable background colors.
- Archiving: Notes can be archived and unarchived.
- Reminder: Notes can have reminders that are triggered using WebSockets for real-time notifications.
- Checklist: Supports adding, toggling, and removing checklist items.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open a pull request or report an issue.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.