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How to create your own row type

tomtempest edited this page Apr 19, 2013 · 2 revisions

Creating New Row Types

We've tried to make Formotion as extensible as possible so you can create new row types. If you think others could use it, feel free to submit a pull request.


1 - Subclass

Add a subclass of RowType::Base to the Formotion::RowType module and conform your class name to the form ____Row.


module Formotion
  module RowType
    class MyNewRow < Base

RowType.for looks for classes inside the module with match that name form (see row_type.rb). This allows you to refer to your new type in the Formotion hashes as an underscored version of your class name:{
  sections: [{
    rows: [{
      title: "MyNewRow Example",
      type: :my_new

2 - Override

The flow of using RowType is:

  1. row.make_cell is called, which calls...
  2. Formotion::RowCellBuilder.make_cell(row), which calls...
  3. row.object.build_cell(cell) This is where you come in
  4. YourRowType#build_cell(<#UITableViewCell>) should setup the cell however you need to.
  5. build_cell should return an instance of UITextField if necessary. See StringRow#build_cell for an example.
  6. Lastly, YourRowType#after_build(#<UITableViewCell>) is called when the row object is entirely setup and right before it's passed back to the table view for drawing.

So the meat of your overrides should happen in build_cell.


module Formotion
  module RowType
    class MyNewRow < Base
      def build_cell(cell)
        blue_box = UIView.alloc.initWithFrame [[10, 10], [30, 30]]
        blue_box.backgroundColor = UIColor.blueColor

        # return nil because no UITextField added.

3 - Callbacks And Defaults

Your subclass can override these methods:

#on_select(tableView, tableViewDelegate) - Called when the row is tapped by the user.

#cell_style - The UITableViewCellStyle for the row type. By default is UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle