A box implementation for Swift.
This is useful when some values can contain errors, for example when fetching some model from an API.
pod 'SwiftBox'
to your PodFile.
You can create a Box
by using
let fullBox = Box<String>("foo")
let failureBox = Box<String>(NSError(domain: "foo", code: 2, userInfo: nil)) // will be failure
let emptyBox = Box<String>.Empty
You can then use your box:
if box.isFull() {
let myString = box>! // == box.value!
if box.isFailure() {
let myError = box.failure!
if let str = box.value {
switch box {
case Box.Full(let wrappedStr):
useMyString(wrappedStr.value) // == wrappedStr.v
case Box.Failure(let err):
case Box.Empty:
class User {
var name: String
init(_ name: String) {
self.name = name
class MyClass {
var user: Box<User>
init() {
self.user = Box.Empty
func showUser(u: User) {
// do something
func handleError(err: NSError) {
// handle your error
func tryShowUser() {
switch user {
case Box.Full(let wrappedUser):
showUser(wrappedUser.value) // == wrappedUser.v
case Box.Failure(let err):
case Box.Empty: