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Running the site for local development

Jack "Conrad" Clark edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 5 revisions

Starting the frontend

  1. Clone the project if you haven't already
  2. Navigate to the project's directory, /LifeLog, and change directory to /frontend
  3. Install the system requirements and build the project using the command ng build (what version of node should be used?)
  4. Start the frontend using ng serve

Starting the backend

  1. Clone the project if you haven't already
  2. Open up a virtual environment. Navigate to where your python virtual environment file is with the command source ./activate (your terminal prompt should look different, that lets you know you're in the vm)
  3. Navigate to the project's directory, /LifeLog, and change directory to /backend
  4. Install the system requirements using the command pip install -r requirements.txt (if you run into problems here, just recreate the virtual environment and then redo the steps above)
  5. Start the backend using the command python runserver
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