Sends out emails
- RabbitMQ
- sendgrid
- ENV - environment name (development/staging/production)
- PORT - server port
- SENTRY_DSN - error reporting
- CLOUDAMQP_URL - RabbitMq uri
- SENDGRID_USERNAME - username for using sendgrid
- SENDGRID_PASSWORD - secret for using sendgrid
Links to email templates
- Email log in link
- User has been deactivated
- Employee needs to prepare
- Manager requested a 1-on-1 with employee
- First login to clan creator
- Invitation
- Invitation to manager or admin
- Invitation Accepted
- Invitation Pending
- Manager needs to prepare
- Employee requested for a 1-on-1 with manager
- Not subscribed after trial end
- Payment failed
- Trial ends in a week
- Unsubscribed
- User upgraded to Admin
- User upgraded to Manager
- Weekly goals update
- One week to 1-on-1
- User message