This project is no longer maintained! Please use the new fork by Michael McNeill:
This was a maintained fork of the WordPress Shibboleth plugin, originally by Will Norris and Michael 芳貴 Erlewine, with contributions from numerous people.
Read readme.txt for usage information.
The project accepts contributions via pull request!
This plugin is compatible with GitHub Updater.
Install it by copying the GitHub URL and pasting it under Settings -> GitHub Updater -> Install plugin.
- Download the latest ZIP using "Clone or download" -> Downloap ZIP
- Unzip it into
Clone into wp-content/plugins/shibboleth
git clone wp-content/plugins/shibboleth
and enable it in the Plugins section of WP Admin.
You can install mitcho's version from the Plugin Directory:
Please note that this version differs a lot from the one in this repository!