gulp the default command. Starts clean, server, watch, and runs less, html, and js
server starts the server.js file, ignoring changes to the public js directory
watch watches for changes and runs the corresponding tasks for less, html, js
less minifies and concatenates less into a single main.css file in the public directory
js concatenates js files into one app.js file in the public directory
serve runs the server command and watch commands alone, for server testing (endpoints, etc.)
clean flushes the build folder
Dev Dependencies
- chai
- chai-http
- del
- gulp
- gulp-babili
- gulp-concat
- gulp-less
- gulp-livereload
- gulp-minify-css
- gulp-newer
- gulp-notify
- gulp-nodemon
- mocha
- pump
App Dependencies
- body-parser
- express
- uuid