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Scenario Explorer and Urban Model Platform Overview Repo

This repo is the link between the urban-model-platform and the scenario-explorer.


For development you will need local checkouts of the required repositories. It's recommended to have these checkouts side by side:


├── masterportal-scenario-explorer (this repository)

├── scenario-explorer-addon (masterportal addon)

├── scenario-explorer-portalconfig (masterportal config)

└── urban-model-platform (backend)

Prerequisite 1:

Create an .env file with the necessary environment variables. You can use a copy of the .env.example file if you use the recommended directory structure.

Prerequisite 2:

The urban-model-platform needs to be checked out with the dev branch.

The scenario-explorer-portalconfig can optionally be checked out with the local-test branch which will make all processes visible.

Start the development environment:

docker compose up --build


To configure a custom Keycloak login Theme, follow these steps in the Keycloak Admin Console at https://<your-portal-domain>/auth. Further details can be found in the official Keycloak documentation

1. Realm Selection

After logging in to the Keycloak Admin Console, switch to the Keycloak Realm named UrbanModelPlatform.

2. Login Tab

Navigate to Realm Settings and select the Login tab. Configure the following settings for optimal login experience:

Setting Enabled/Disabled
User Registration On
Forgot Password On
Remember Me Off
Email as Username On
Login with Email On
Duplicate Emails Off
Verify Email On
Edit Username Off


  • User Registration: Allows new users to register.
  • Forgot Password: Enables users to reset their passwords if forgotten.
  • Remember Me: Determines if users can stay logged in across sessions.
  • Email as Username: Uses the email address as the username.
  • Login with Email: Allows users to log in using their email address.
  • Duplicate Emails: Prevents or allows duplicate email addresses in the system.
  • Verify Email: Requires email verification before the user can log in.
  • Edit Username: Allows users to change their username after registration.

3. Email Tab

To set up email functionalities such as password reset and email verification, configure the mail server settings.

Email Configuration Example:

Setting Configuration Details
Email Server Address [Enter SMTP server address]
Port [Enter port number]
Username [Enter username]
Password [Enter password]
Additional Settings [Any other settings required by your mail server]

4. Themes

To activate and configure the custom theme, go to the Themes tab and set the following:

Setting Configuration
Login Theme masterportal
Account Theme keycloak.v3
Admin Theme keycloak.v2
Email Theme keycloak


  • Login Theme: Specifies the theme for the login page.
  • Account Theme: Sets the theme for account management pages.
  • Admin Theme: Chooses the theme for the admin console.
  • Email Theme: Determines the theme for email notifications.

5. Localization

To set the default language to German, configure the following settings under the Localization tab:

Setting Configuration
Internationalization Enabled
Supported Locales German, English
Default Locale German


  • Internationalization: Enables support for multiple languages.
  • Supported Locales: Lists the languages supported by your Keycloak instance.
  • Default Locale: Sets German as the default language for the user interface.

If you want to support additional languages, you need to create a separate messages_*.properties file for each language under the directory /masterportal-scenario-explorer/masterportal-keycloak/themes/masterportal/login/messages/.

6. Terms of use

In the Keycloak login screen, under the registration section, there is a checkbox for accepting the terms of use. To update the URL specified there, you need to set the urlToTermsOfUse parameter in the file for each language under /masterportal-scenario-explorer/masterportal-keycloak/themes/masterportal/login/messages/.