Dashboard for a gamified resource planning art performance. Performed at City Climate meets Creative Coding festival, Hamburg, 2023. https://www.creativecoding.city/citizen-ai
Built with Vue, Quasar and Chart.js, it lets you adjust inputs, sends that to Urban Model Platform and displays the results in nice charts.
- Meant to be run full screen, kiosk mode
- Supports a 4k viewport
- Developed for touch interfaces, so not much hover. Click the "inputs" to reveal a sidebar with more information.
- The reactive, animated meshy background gradient requires a powerful machine to look smooth, especially on 4k.
You'll need Node.js, version 16 should work, others might.
The production API is down at the moment, so we'll use the mock API.
# install deps
# run dev server with HMR
make run-quasar-api-mock
# build
make build-quasar
# deploy
# create an .env file, check Makefile vor vars
make rsync-dry
make rsync-wet
# or
make lftp-dry
# etc.
This dashboard is a part of a bigger project.
Frontend code + UI/UX: Jakob Wierzba.
Project concept: Birk Schmithüsen, Mikala Hyldig Dal, Nina Maria Stemberger / ArtesMobiles
System Dynamics: Rico Herzog
Climate Scientist: Gaby Langendijk
Text and graphics contents: Public Domain / CC-0.
Code: "MIT", Copyright © 2023 Jakob Wierzba, see file LICENSE