Python Library to control your boxes - servers, pdus, etc
A way of automatically install an xcp-xapi on top of a minimal Ubuntu 12.04 installation.
WARNING: this script will wipe your sda7. The script is an automated execution of steps covered by:
install_xcp_xapi root rootpassword yourhost.yourdomain
This script will leave a box with
- components: xcp-xapi
- bridge networking
- dhcp on eth0
- ext storage on sda7
To Install a precise machine:
create_start_deblike yourxenserver.yourdomain \
yourpreseed.cfg machinename password
For further options, and default values, type:
create_start_deblike --help
This script will download the latest nova zipball, and copy the openstack plugins to your xenserver. Existing files will not be overwritten.
install_openstack_plugins root rootpassword yourxenserver.yourdomain
If you installed devstack on your xenserver, you can use this script to get the IP of that machine. For more information, see:
get_devstack_domu_ip -h
you will need to install additional dependencies to remote your PDU:
This small script emulates a browser, communicates with an APC PDU, to reboot the selected server. For more information:
hard_reset -h
Put a file to a PXE server.
install_pxeboot_config -h
remove_pxeboot_config -h
run_exercise -h
Send Ctrl+C, Ctrl+P, and Enter to the given devstack screen.
restart_devstack_service -h
Read some bytes in the standard input, and append those lines to the file specified, on the remote system.
set_extra_config -h
cat /dev/null | set_extra_config devstackip /etc/cinder/cinder.conf
echo "someoption=True" | set_extra_config devstackip /etc/cinder/cinder.conf