is a package that helps developers, researchers to quickly get Vietnam financial data. Since Vietnam data is not well-supported by famous platforms like Bloomberg, Reuters, Yahoo, Google, we were inspired to develop our own data package that serves Vietnam data.
- First version
- Data available: trading data only
- reference prices (ceiling, floor, ref price...)
- stock info (company name, shareout, list of stocks)
pip install batdata
import batdata
vnd = batdata.Vnd() # Data from VND api
# historical data of HPG from 2018-01-01 to 2018-12-31
data = vnd.hist("HPG","close","20180101","20181231")
jsonData = data.json # getting data as json
dfData = data.df # getting data as pandas DataFrame
# fromTime and toTime can also be python datetime objects
fromTime = datetime.datetime(2018,01,01)
toTime = datetime.datetime(2018,12,31)
hpgHist = vnd.hist("HPG","close",fromTime,toTime)
# historical OHLC data of HPG, MSN
hpgHistWeekly = vnd.hist(["HPG","MSN"],["open","high","low","close"],"20180101","20181231")
# last price
hpgLast = vnd.curr("HPG","last")