This script simulates “snakes and ladders” style games in an abstract way to generate statistics about the number of turns taken to finish.
Set the customisable parameters based on the game you want to simulate.
- Runs: How many times to simulate the game. It should be able to run hundreds of thousands of times in a few seconds.
- Start: The square players begin on. Usually 0.
- Finish: The square players finish on.
- Ladders: This dictionary represents the snakes or ladders on the game (or any abstract equivalent). Each integer key-value pair represents moving from one square to another in the format
{ from : to }
The default parameters simulate this Snakes and Ladders board.
The script prints summary statistics and a histogram.
Games: 100000
Stats for number of moves
Mean: 46.31
SD: 33.1
Median: 36.0
Mode: 21
Min: 6
Max: 381
Played the game 100000 times in 9.79 seconds.