NB: This has been tested with Espresso 1.1.2 - for compatibility with Espresso 2 use the Kaboom Branch - once Espresso 2 is formally released the sugar i'll update the sugar such that version will become the default. Until then install via git and then checkout the kaboom branch (see below).
This sugar has been converted from Anthony Short's ee1 sugar - the majority of the work is his, (though I think he in turn converted it from the EE TextMate bundle ). All this version does is update that sugar to work with ee2 and rename things so that it plays nice with the ee1 sugar, and add a few extra snippets. It almost certainly contains the odd bug - if you find one please do open an issue or pull request...
This sugar gives you access to the ee2 template syntax within Espresso, giving you codesense, itemizers and more.
- open a terminal session
cd ~/Library/Application Support/Espresso/Sugars/
git clone git://github.com/tomdavies/expressionengine2.sugar.git
additional steps if you're using the Espresso 2 public beta:
cd expressionengine2.sugar
git checkout kaboom
- Use the download link at the top of the page
- Rename the folder that downloads to "expressionengine2.sugar"
- Double click the sugar and it's installed.
Themed to match Hannien's solarized theme
- There are duplicate auto completes in the drop-down menu. This will be fixed soon, but is there as I am getting the sugar ready to do tag-sensitive auto completes.
- Check Espresso 2 alpha compatibility
- Housecleaning updates of codesense and snippets
- Integrate some of the interesting stuff from [https://github.com/wesbaker/ExpressionEngine2.tmbundle]
- Text Actions
- File Actions
- Common Formatting dates in the codesense
- IP to Nation
- Referrer Tag
- RSS Tag
- Trackback Tag
- Simple Commerce
- Common Plugins