This repo contains data and code to work on Natural Language Fingerprints (NaLaFi), and to replicate the results in Bentz (2023). The code should be run in the following order:
Data Generation
- randomStringGenerator.Rmd: generates random strings for comparison to natural languages and other sign strings.
- shuffledTextGenerator.Rmd: takes the files in folder NaLaFi/data/writing and shuffles the characters randomly.
Simple Stats for the Data
- simpleStats.Rmd: this gives an overview of the files in NaLaFi/data in terms of number of files per subcorpus and number of characters per file.
Sampling of Character Strings
- sampler.Rmd: samples chunks of UTF-8 characters of pre-defined length (e.g. 10, 100, 1000) and stores them in NaLaFi/samples. Note that this folder should be emptied before re-running the code.
Estimations of Feature Values
- estimations.Rmd: calculating the feature values (TTR, unigram entropy, entropy rate, repetition measure) for each string of UTF-8 characters (one per line) in the files of NaLaFi/samples. The output is a csv file stored in NaLaFi/results/features.csv. Note that this file should be deleted before re-running the code.
- estimationPlots.Rmd: provides plots for the estimated feature values.
- stabilizationAnalyses.Rmd: estimates feature values for stepsizes (i.e. given number of characters), and creates plots of ``stabilization'', i.e. how feature values change with the number of characters.
- classificationKnn.Rmd: classifies the character strings into "writing" and "non-writing" based on the feature values (TTR, unigram entropy, entropy rate, repetition rate) with the k-nearest neighbor method, and stores the results in results/KNN.
- classificationLR.Rmd: classifies the character strings with logistic regression model (LR), and stores the results in results/LR.
- classificationSVM.Rmd: classifies the character strings with a support vector machine (SVM), and stores the results in results/SVM.
- classificationMLP.Rmd: classifies the character strings with different Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) architectures, and stores the results in results/MLP.
- HyperParamTuning.Rmd: gives diagnostic plots for hyperparameter values and model performance.
Bentz (2023). The Zipfian Challenge: Learning the statistical fingerprint of natural languages. CoNLL, Singapore.