Irish weather data from Met Eireann (Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License)
Run the following command in a terminal (on Windows, use WSL or Git Bash) to get a link to the most recent data:
echo -e "\nFetching link to data...\n" && curl -s -f -L | grep -Eo "/\S+?\"" | grep -m 1 actions/runs | sed 's/"//g' | xargs -I {} echo'{}'
Alternatively, you can use the web interface on GitHub:
- Navigate to the Actions page of the repository:
- Select first (most recent) action in the resulting table.
- The following page contains a link to download a zip file containing data.
conda create -n env_weather -y python=3.10
conda activate env_weather
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m src monthly # To fetch monthly data
python -m src daily # To fetch daily data (slow)
python -m src hourly # To fetch hourly data (very slow)
See code in src/
from src.fetch_weather_data import WeatherDataCollector, STATION_DATA_URL
collector = WeatherDataCollector(
data_dir='data', # Output directory
data_formats=['monthly'], # monthly, daily and/or hourly
max_rows=50000, # Threshold to start dropping old data (-1 = no limit)
min_date='1990-01-01', # Earliest allowed data if max_rows is reached
sleep_delay=5, # Delay between requests
overwrite_files=False, # Set to True if you need to update data
# Download data and combine into CSV files
conda activate env_weather
pip install -r ./tests/requirements.txt
conda install pre-commit
pre-commit run --all-files
pylint src