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Functions 12-18 LA01
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christian-byrne committed Oct 14, 2024
1 parent cdfea8e commit 37415ba
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Showing 8 changed files with 453 additions and 47 deletions.
213 changes: 167 additions & 46 deletions src/large_assignment_01/large_assignment_01.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
* Author: Christian Byrne
* Date: 9/27/24
* Large Assignment #1
* Desc: Practice functions in SML,
* focusing on pattern matching
* and recursion.
* Large Assignment #01
* Desc: Practice functions in SML, focusing on features of the
* language such as pattern matching, currying, partial
* application, and higher-order functions.

* Type: `int * int * int -> bool`
* Desc: The triangle inequality theorem states that the sum of any
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,21 +92,21 @@ fun suffix([], _) = true
| suffixEqual(x::a, y::b) = if x = y then suffixEqual(a, b) else false
val truncateCount = listLength(li2) - listLength(li1)
(* Handle case: li1 longer than li2 *)
if truncateCount < 0 then false
else suffixEqual(li1, truncatePrefix(truncateCount, li2))

* Type: `'a list * int → 'a`
* Desc: This function takes a list and an integer i and
* returns the ith element in the list. Start the
* indexing at 0
fun get(cur::li, 0) = cur
| get(cur::li, index) = get(li, index - 1);

fun get([], _) = raise Empty
| get(cur::li, 0) = cur
| get(cur::li, index) = get(li, index - 1);

Expand All @@ -117,27 +118,41 @@ fun get(cur::li, 0) = cur
* required for #7, it does not need to be included in a
* let block here.)
fun subList(li, startIndex, endIndex) = if startIndex = endIndex then [get(li, startIndex)] else [get(li, startIndex)] @ subList(li, startIndex + 1, endIndex);
fun subList([], _, _) = []
| subList(li, startIndex, endIndex) =
fun listLength([]) = 0
| listLength(x::li) = 1 + listLength(li)
(* Clamp the end index to the length of the list *)
val clampedEndIndex = if endIndex > listLength(li) then listLength(li) else endIndex
(* Handle case: start index greater than end index *)
if startIndex > clampedEndIndex then []
(* Base case: start index equals end index *)
else if startIndex = clampedEndIndex then [get(li, startIndex)]
else [get(li, startIndex)] @ subList(li, startIndex + 1, clampedEndIndex)

* Type: `'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Reverse the list without using append
fun reverse li = foldl (fn(cur, acc) => cur::acc) [] li;

* Type: `'a list * ('a → 'b) → 'b list`
* Desc: Apply a function to a list of elements. You may not
* use map, foldr, or foldl.
* Example:
* apply([(1,2),(3,4),(5,6)],(op +)) → [3,7,11]
* apply((explode “hello”),ord) → [104,101,108,108,111
* apply((explode “hello”),ord) → [104,101,108,108,111]
fun apply([], f) = []
| apply(x::li, f) = [f(x)] @ apply(li, f);

* Type: `'a list * 'b * ('a * 'b → 'b) → 'b`
* Desc: Take a list, a starting value, and a function and
Expand All @@ -147,157 +162,263 @@ fun apply([], f) = []
* collapse([1,2,3,4,5],0,(op +)) → 15
* collapse([1.1,2.2,3.3],10.0,(op -)) → ~7.8
fun collapse([], startVal, func) = startVal
| collapse(cur::li, startVal, func) = func(cur, collapse(li, startVal, func));
fun collapse([], startVal, f) = startVal
(* Associativity: right-to-left with (current, accumulator) *)
| collapse(cur::li, startVal, f) = f(cur, collapse(li, startVal, f));

* Type: `('a * 'a → bool) → 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Sort a list using the quicksort method, but make it
* general enough so that you can pass in a function and
* sort in either direction and/or sort various types of
* data.
fun quicksort f [] = []
| quicksort f (pivot::li) =
fun partition([], left, right) = (left, right)
| partition(cur::li, left, right) =
if f(cur, pivot) then partition(li, cur::left, right)
else partition(li, left, cur::right)
val (left, right) = partition(li, [], [])
quicksort f left @ [pivot] @ quicksort f right

* Type: `('a * 'a → bool) → 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Sort a list using the bubble sort method, but make it
* general enough so that you can pass in a function and
* sort in either direction and/or sort various types of
* data.
fun bubbleSort f [] = []
| bubbleSort f li =
fun swap([]) = []
| swap(x::[]) = [x]
| swap(x::y::li) = if f(x, y) then x::swap(y::li) else y::swap(x::li)
fun listLength([]) = 0
| listLength(x::li) = 1 + listLength(li)
(* Perform swap sort on the list *)
val sorted = swap(li)
(* Get the last element in the sorted list *)
val lastInSorted = hd(reverse(sorted))
(* Keep the last item, recurse on the rest of the list *)
bubbleSort f (subList(sorted, 0, listLength(sorted) - 2)) @ [lastInSorted]

(* TODO: fun quicksort = fun *)
* Type: `('a * 'a → bool) → 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Sort a list using the insertion sort method, but make it
* general enough so that you can pass in a function and
* sort in either direction and/or sort various types of
* data.
fun insertionSort f [] = []
| insertionSort f (pivot::li) =
fun insert([], pivot) = [pivot]
| insert(cur::li, pivot) = if f(pivot, cur) then pivot::cur::li else cur::insert(li, pivot)
insert(insertionSort f li, pivot)

(* TODO: fun bubbleSort = fun *)
(* TODO: fun insertionSort = fun *)

* Type: `string → string → bool`
* Desc: Determine if a string is a substring of another
* string.
fun substring(str, "") = false
| substring(str, isIn) = if String.size(str) = String.size(isIn) then false else if str = String.substring(isIn, 0, String.size(str)) then true else substring(str,
fun substring "" "" = true
| substring str "" = false
| substring "" str = true
| substring str isIn =
fun listLength([]) = 0
| listLength(x::xs) = 1 + listLength(xs)
fun stringLength(st) = listLength(explode st)
fun spliceString(startIndex, endIndex, st) =
implode(subList(explode(st), startIndex, endIndex))
val strLen = stringLength(str)
val isInLen = stringLength(isIn)
(* Handle case: not a substring *)
if strLen > isInLen then false
else if str = spliceString(0, strLen - 1, isIn) then true
else substring str (spliceString(1, isInLen - 1, isIn))

* Type: `'a → 'a list → int`
* Desc: Determine the index of the first occurrence of a value in a list.
* Indexing should start at 0.
fun indexOf(_, []) = ~1
| indexOf(x, y::ys) = if x = y then 0 else 1 + indexOf(x, ys);
fun indexOf target li =
fun listLength([]) = 0
| listLength(x::xs) = 1 + listLength(xs)
fun indexOf(_, []) = 1
| indexOf(target, x::li) = if x = target then 0 else 1 + indexOf(target, li)
val result = indexOf(target, li)
val liLen = listLength(li)
(* Handle case: target not found -> return -1 *)
if result > liLen then ~1
else result

* Type: `int → int → string`
* Desc: Turn a decimal number into a string representation of base N.
* The input for N will be an integer between 2 and 10 (inclusive).
fun dec2BaseN(num, base) = (* Implementation pending *);
fun dec2BaseN base n =
fun dec2BaseN base 0 = ""
| dec2BaseN base n =
if n < base then Int.toString(n) (* Base case: n is less than base *)
else (dec2BaseN base (n div base)) ^ Int.toString(n mod base)
fun absVal(n) = if n < 0 then ~n else n
val wasNegative = n < 0
val result = dec2BaseN base (absVal n)
(* Handle case where n is exactly 0, return "0" instead of empty string *)
if result = "" then "0"
(* Add back the negative sign if n was negative *)
else if wasNegative then "~" ^ result
else result

* Type: `int → 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Drop every nth element in a list.
fun dropNth(_, []) = []
| dropNth(n, xs) = (* Implementation pending *);

fun dropNth _ [] = []
| dropNth 1 _ = []
| dropNth n li =
fun listLength([]) = 0
| listLength(x::xs) = 1 + listLength(xs)
val liLen = listLength(li)
(* Handle bad input: n less than 1 *)
if n < 1 then li
(* Base case: next nth beyond list bounds *)
else if n > liLen then li
else subList(li, 0, n - 2) @ dropNth n (subList(li, n, liLen - 1))

* Type: `'a list list → 'a list`
* Desc: Flatten a list of lists into a single list of elements.
fun flatten(li) = List.concat(li);
(* fun flatten(li) = List.concat(li); *)

* Type: `('a * 'b → 'b) → 'b → 'a list list → 'b list`
* Desc: Take a list of lists, a function, and a starting value.
* Apply the function recursively to each list, condensing it to a single value.
fun condenseLists(f, startVal, lists) = (fn xs => List.foldl f startVal xs) lists;
(* fun condenseLists(f, startVal, lists) = (fn xs => List.foldl f startVal xs) lists; *)

* Type: `('a → bool) → 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Remove all elements from a list for which the given function returns true.
fun remove(f, xs) = List.filter (fn x => not (f x)) xs;
(* fun remove(f, xs) = List.filter (fn x => not (f x)) xs; *)

* Type: `'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Take a list and create a new list where every element is repeated three times.
fun triplist(xs) = List.concat ( (fn x => [x, x, x]) xs);
(* fun triplist(xs) = List.concat ( (fn x => [x, x, x]) xs); *)

* Type: `'a list → int → 'a list`
* Desc: Take a list and an integer n and create a list that repeats the original list n times.
fun repeat(_, 0) = []
| repeat(xs, n) = xs @ repeat(xs, n - 1);
(* fun repeat(_, 0) = []
| repeat(xs, n) = xs @ repeat(xs, n - 1); *)

* Type: `'a list → ('a → bool) → ('a → 'a) → 'a list`
* Desc: Apply function g to all elements in the list for which function f returns true.
fun filterApply(xs, f, g) = (fn x => if f x then g x else x) xs;
(* fun filterApply(xs, f, g) = (fn x => if f x then g x else x) xs; *)

* Type: `int → int → int → int list`
* Desc: Create an arithmetic sequence starting at a with a common difference of d
* and a length of l.
fun arithSeq(a, d, l) = List.tabulate(l, fn i => a + i * d);
(* fun arithSeq(a, d, l) = List.tabulate(l, fn i => a + i * d); *)

* Type: `'a → 'a list → bool`
* Desc: Return true if the element is in the list, false otherwise.
fun element(x, xs) = List.exists (fn y => y = x) xs;
(* fun element(x, xs) = List.exists (fn y => y = x) xs; *)

* Type: `'a list → bool`
* Desc: Return true if the list is a set (no duplicates), false otherwise.
fun isSet(xs) = xs = List.tabulate(List.length xs, fn i => List.nth(xs, i));
(* fun isSet(xs) = xs = List.tabulate(List.length xs, fn i => List.nth(xs, i)); *)

* Type: `'a list * 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Combine two lists to produce the union of the two sets.
fun union(xs, ys) = List.concat [xs, ys];
(* fun union(xs, ys) = List.concat [xs, ys]; *)

* Type: `'a list * 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Combine two lists to produce the intersection of the two sets.
fun intersection(xs, ys) = List.filter (fn x => List.exists (fn y => x = y) ys) xs;
(* fun intersection(xs, ys) = List.filter (fn x => List.exists (fn y => x = y) ys) xs; *)

* Type: `'a list * 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Produce the difference of two sets (items in the first but not in the second).
fun difference(xs, ys) = List.filter (fn x => not (List.exists (fn y => y = x) ys)) xs;
(* fun difference(xs, ys) = List.filter (fn x => not (List.exists (fn y => y = x) ys)) xs; *)

* Type: `'a list * 'a list → 'a list`
* Desc: Produce the xor of two sets (items in one set but not both).
fun xor(xs, ys) = difference(union(xs, ys), intersection(xs, ys));
(* fun xor(xs, ys) = difference(union(xs, ys), intersection(xs, ys)); *)

* Type: `'a list → 'a list list`
* Desc: Return the powerset of a set.
fun powerset([]) = [[]]
(* fun powerset([]) = [[]]
| powerset(x::xs) = let
val rest = powerset(xs)
rest @ (fn ys => x::ys) rest
end; *)

3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
./test --rootdir tests/tests-large_assignment_01 --failed-first --log-cli-level WARNING $@
#./test --rootdir tests/tests-large_assignment_01 --failed-first --log-cli-level WARNING $@
./test --rootdir tests/tests-large_assignment_01 --nl --log-cli-level INFO

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