The NwNSGGlowLogs branch contains a working version of the deployment template, tailored for a real version of a function that transmits Azure Network Watcher NSG Flow Logs to Arcsight, Splunk, LogStash or EventHub.
NOTE: Native support for event hubs is not yet available, but would be the preferred method.
The steps to fully implement the Azure Network Watcher NSG Flow Logs Connector are:
- Gather the settings below.
- Click the "Deploy to Azure" button above.
- Authenticate to the Azure Portal (if necessary)
- Fill in the form with the setting values
- Wait a few minutes for the function to be created and deployed
- In the UI of your monitoring tool (ArcSight/LogStash/Splunk), query for the records that are being sent over.
- AppName - this is the name of the function app. In the Azure Portal, this is the name that will appear in the list of resources.
- appServicePlan - "ServicePlan" or "Consumption".
If you select "ServicePlan", an App Service Plan will be created and you will be billed accordingly. If you select "Consumption", you will be billed based on the Consumption plan. - appServicePlanTier - "Free", "Shared", "Basic", "Standard", "Premium", "PremiumV2"
(only relevant for ServicePlan) - appServicePlanName - depends on tier, for full details see "Choose your pricing tier" in the portal on an App service plan "Scale up" applet.
Example: For standard tier, "S1", "S2", "S3" are options for plan name
(only relevant for ServicePlan) - appServicePlanCapacity - how many instances do you want to set for the upper limit?
Example: For standard tier, S2, set a value from 1 to 10
(only relevant for ServicePlan) - githubRepoURL - this is the URL of the repo that contains the function app source. You would put your fork's address here.
- githubRepoBranch - this is the name of the branch containing the code you want to deploy.
- nsgSourceDataConnection - a storage account connection string
- cefLogAccount - a storage account connection string - account into which trace logs of incoming json and outgoing cef are dropped
- outputBinding - Points to the destination service - the service that will receive the NSG flow log data. Options are "arcsight", "splunk", "eventhub", "logstash".
- arcsightAddress - internet address of the ArcSight server / service
- arcsightPort - TCP port to connect to on destination server / service
- splunkAddress - internet address of the Splunk HEC port.
- splunkToken - guid security token for Splunk HEC
- eventHubConnection - connection string for your event hub namespace
- eventHubName - name of your event hub within the hub namespace
- logstashAddress - network address of LogStash input endpoint
- logstashHttpUser - userid for LogStash http input
- logstashHttpPwd - password for LogStash http input