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Deploy an Azure Function using an ARM template

The NwNSGGlowLogs branch contains a working version of the deployment template, tailored for a real version of a function that transmits Azure Network Watcher NSG Flow Logs to Arcsight, Splunk, LogStash or EventHub.

NOTE: Native support for event hubs is not yet available, but would be the preferred method.

Deploy to Azure


The steps to fully implement the Azure Network Watcher NSG Flow Logs Connector are:

  • Gather the settings below.
  • Click the "Deploy to Azure" button above.
  • Authenticate to the Azure Portal (if necessary)
  • Fill in the form with the setting values
  • Wait a few minutes for the function to be created and deployed
  • In the UI of your monitoring tool (ArcSight/LogStash/Splunk), query for the records that are being sent over.


  • AppName - this is the name of the function app. In the Azure Portal, this is the name that will appear in the list of resources.
    Example: MyNSGApp
  • appServicePlan - "ServicePlan" or "Consumption".
    If you select "ServicePlan", an App Service Plan will be created and you will be billed accordingly. If you select "Consumption", you will be billed based on the Consumption plan.
  • appServicePlanTier - "Free", "Shared", "Basic", "Standard", "Premium", "PremiumV2"
    Example: Standard
    (only relevant for ServicePlan)
  • appServicePlanName - depends on tier, for full details see "Choose your pricing tier" in the portal on an App service plan "Scale up" applet.
    Example: For standard tier, "S1", "S2", "S3" are options for plan name
    (only relevant for ServicePlan)
  • appServicePlanCapacity - how many instances do you want to set for the upper limit?
    Example: For standard tier, S2, set a value from 1 to 10
    (only relevant for ServicePlan)
  • githubRepoURL - this is the URL of the repo that contains the function app source. You would put your fork's address here.
  • githubRepoBranch - this is the name of the branch containing the code you want to deploy.
    Example: master
  • nsgSourceDataConnection - a storage account connection string
    Example: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yyy;AccountKey=xxx;
  • cefLogAccount - a storage account connection string - account into which trace logs of incoming json and outgoing cef are dropped
    Example: DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=yyy;AccountKey=xxx;
  • outputBinding - Points to the destination service - the service that will receive the NSG flow log data. Options are "arcsight", "splunk", "eventhub", "logstash".
    Example: arcsight
  • arcsightAddress - internet address of the ArcSight server / service
  • arcsightPort - TCP port to connect to on destination server / service
    Example: 1514
  • splunkAddress - internet address of the Splunk HEC port.
  • splunkToken - guid security token for Splunk HEC
    Example: a77fdc21-0861-4d8b-941c-e1b4c556b4fb
  • eventHubConnection - connection string for your event hub namespace
    Example: Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=key
  • eventHubName - name of your event hub within the hub namespace
    Example: insights-logs-nsgflowlogs
  • logstashAddress - network address of LogStash input endpoint
  • logstashHttpUser - userid for LogStash http input
    Example: greg
  • logstashHttpPwd - password for LogStash http input
    Example: P@ssw0rd!


Deploy to your Azure Function from your Github repo






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