A utility for grepping that isn't limited to a specific program
will try to userg
if available.- If
is unavailable, and the file is in a git repo,git-grep
will be used. - If not, it will fallback to
. - If
is unavailable,grep
will be used.
Note This will clobber your g:grepprg
by overwriting it whenever :Grep
called with the appropriate tool based on the file and your environment.
Pick one of the supported alternatives: rg
, ag
and git-grep
You have to install rg, of course.
Install with Homebrew:
brew install rg
You have to install ag, of course.
Install with Homebrew:
brew install the_silver_searcher
This comes with git, and will automatically be used when appropriate
:Grep [options] {pattern} [{directory}]
Search recursively in {directory} (which defaults to the current directory) for the {pattern}.
Files containing the search term will be listed in the split window, along with the line number of the occurrence, once for each occurrence. [Enter] on a line in this window will open the file, and place the cursor on the matching line.
Just like where you use :grep, :grepadd, :lgrep, and :lgrepadd, you can use
, :GrepAdd
, :LGrep
, and :LGrepAdd
This plugin is almost copy and pasted from mileszs' ack.vim plugin.
Motions to grep for things. Works with pretty much everything, including:
w, W, e, E, b, B, t*, f*, i*, a*, and custom text objects
Place your cursor somewhere, type gr
and, then perform a text-object for what
you want to grep for.
Visually select the pattern you want to grep for, type gr
The mapping gr
is set in both normal and visual-mode, if you want to remove it
to set your own mappings you set g:grep_no_maps
in your .vimrc
If you want to use qq
instead of gr
let g:grep_no_maps = 1
nnoremap <silent> qq :set opfunc=<SID>GrepMotion<CR>g@
xnoremap <silent> qq :<C-U>call <SID>GrepMotion(visualmode())<CR>
The following options allow customization of the commands.
let g:vimgrep_rg_command="rg --vimgrep --color=never --no-heading --hidden"
let g:vimgrep_ag_command="ag --vimgrep --color=never --column --hidden"
let g:vimgrep_gitgrep_command="git --no-pager grep -n"
Copyright (c) Teo Ljungberg. Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See
:help license