Version 15 – for v3.0 – beta3 (6th Feb 2018)
- Add a property in the "Location" or "FSDJump" event indicating if the player is wanted locally
- Ensure all ShipType strings written to journal get localisation (so we get "ShipType_Localised":"Alliance Chieftain" as well as just "ShipType":"TypeX")
- Add a "Powerplay" event in the journal at startup to log a player's powerplay allegiance, rank, merits etc
- Adding crew name in events that only had ID, adding ID in events that only had Name
- In Loadout, When writing engineered module info to Journal, include the name of the "Experimental Effect" if any
- Note ship loadout, when written at any time after startup, may not include HullValue, ModulesValue
- indicate in LoadGame whether the player has Horizons access, also in Shipyard and Outfitting files
- Include more information about the results of a mission in the MissionCompleted event
- Improve the data written to the journal info when applying an experimental effect to a module in engineering
- When writing commodity price lists to Market.json, include unlocalised and localised item name, also include category name
- ModuleStore, ModuleRetrieve, MassModuleStore, StoredModules: add Level and Quality to EngineerModifications; add "Hot" flag; add "BuyPrice" in list of stored items
- In list of stored ships, indicate whether any are 'Hot'
- Include some extra information in the Journal's Scan event, to show each body's parent body info