Releases: chris-ali/j6dof-flight-sim
Java Flight Simulator v0.75 Alpha
Changes Since v0.65
JavaFX Integration
- Recreated Swing GUI in JavaFX for more modernized presentation and potential use with jMonkeyEngine
VM Arguments
- Added command line argument for setting JavaFX vs Swing; use LWJGL_JAVAFX or LWJGL_SWING respectively
- Fixed bug with some resolution radio buttons not disabling when full screen enabled
- Fixed trim tabs not being reset with other flight controls
- Disabled transient controls to fix analysis doublets/singlets generating incorrectly; need to investigate
- Fixed joystick buttons/hat inputs not being reset when released
Java Flight Simulator v0.65 Alpha
Changes for v0.65a
Cleaned up how control parameter events are determined
Added full screen mode to options and fixed display options not being applied before window created
Added maven model to project and used it to determine project name and version programmatically
Removed Mouse and Joystick Options; project will always use controller if connected, otherwise use keyboard
Fixed error on export of LogsOut to CSV
Fixed simulation plots disappearing after first refresh called
Updated Documentation
Added reset GUI text when sim is reset
Added debug mode option to display parameters of camera/entity in chase view
Modified default logging level from debug to info
Java Flight Simulator v0.6 Alpha
Changes Since 0.4
Added JME to pom and test terrain class to preview JME
- Created SimulationStepper to step all parts of simulation by external update loop
Refactor flight controls to accept external sources
Created InputData and InputDataListener to get inputs from external source
Created ExternalFlightControlsStateManager to accept external source inputs and handle the input actions
Greatly simplified implementation of datatransfer package objects. Most of them are now contained in the classes they poll for data
Updated InputMaster to handle joystick axes and buttons
Added InputData and InputMaster to LWJGLWorld step()
Modified keyboard mappings to use int instead of string for key
Deleted inputdevices package so that inputs entirely received from LWJGLWorld
Simplified data transfer
- Moved FlightData and event listeners into Integrate6DOFEquations
Removed unused Swing instrument panel and SteelSeries gauges
Added decimal formatting to SimOuts and cleaned up ConsoleTableModel
Removed unneeded/updated outdated test "harnesses"
Upgrade LWJGL to 3.2.3
Removed SlickUtils for PNGDecoder as it's not compatible with LWJGL3
Upgraded other pom dependencies to latest versions
Added JSON back to .gitignore
Converted all Mouse, Keyboard and Controller polling into GLFW callbacks/gets. Project is 100% migrated from jinput and usable on newer Java versions
Added visibility flag to GUIText
Java 11 Fixes
Bugfixes to get program working with Java 11
Reworked build script to handle recent updates and be more progammatic
Added tutorial to Documentation on changing controls settings
Added building/development info to README
Java Flight Simulator v0.4 Alpha
Changes Since v0.3
Numerous Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements
Combined all simulation threads into a single thread to fix concurrency and timing issues
Fixed various synchronization issues surrounding generating doublet and singled controls in analysis mode
Reduced terrain texture size further to reduce graphics card load
Added algorithm to selectively render terrain objects by proximity to aircraft
Transient Flight Controls Actuator and Input Separation
- Separated the direct input of flight controls from the actual actuation of the control surface to allow for custom actuators to simulate a fly-by-wire system
Open GL Instrument Panel
- Converted instrument panel objects from vector-drawn Swing objects to PNG textures that are directly rendered in the Open GL window and positioned and scaled using JSON configuration
Switchable Chase View
- Added third-person chase view and switchable camera views that can be changed using key presses (7 8 and 9); In chase view, a simple aircraft model displays, and the camera can be panned around using the middle mouse button
JSON Configuration
- Converted all configuration files into JSON (Javascript Object Notation) for cross compatibility with other applications, simpler I/O within JFS and easy customizability of the following:
- Aircraft dimensions, parameters and specifications
- Keyboard and joystick control assignments
- Analysis Mode (Singlet/Doublet) control injections
- Plot window, tab and subplot configuration
Audio, Camera and Display Menus
- Added additional menus and reorganized existing ones for configuring display and camera options
Maven Integration, File Pathing, Unix Support
Added Maven to automatically manage external library dependencies, and easily build releases
Added log4j to entire project to log loading, general operation and errors to a logfile
Modified file pathing within code and added natives to support Unix based OS' as well
Java Flight Simulator v0.3 Alpha
Changes Since v0.2
- Improvements to ground reaction model for takeoff and landing
- Moved flight controls to separate thread to make update rate independant of simulation and allow for later use with SAS or autopilot systems
- Fixed trimming bug where simulation would only correctly trim the first time the simulation is started
- Reduced tree texture size to reduce size of simulation and graphics card usage
- Integrated instrument panel window into simulation window; instrument panel can now be toggled on/off from the options panel; when the instrument panel is hidden, text displays at the top of the screen showing current position/airspeed/altitude/heading
- Added text display to simulation window when simulation is paused
- Modified terrain object to read an object mapping texture to determine where to generate trees on a terrain tile
- Plots can now be refreshed and cleared in preparation for a new maneuver
- Added Keyboard Only option in the Options window to allow the user to control the aircraft with just the keyboard; added flaps controls to keyboard
- Minor additional UI and simulation bugfixes
Java Flight Simulator v0.2 Alpha
Changes Since v0.1
- Added trimming method to calculate trim elevator, throttle and pitch angle for a given altitude and airspeed
- Reduced size of world somewhat to improve performance
- Added OpenAL sound engine to play engine, flap, gear, stall horn and wind sounds
- Audio tab in Options to configure individual volume settings for sound types
Download / Installation
- Hosted on MEGA due to file size (~50 MB) @!Jh0zgYwQ!wLeTWFkM94LpVeMgTIUttZqp1xD42AJLmjXtpHFUwj8
- Extract zip file contents, and then run JavaFlightSimulator.exe
Java Flight Simulator v0.1 Alpha
Features / Limitations
- First pre-release candidate of Java Flight Simulator
- Comes with two aircraft, the Ryan Navion and Camair Twin Navion
- Plotting functionality works except for refresh option in plot window dropdown menu
- No trimming is implemented yet
- Ground reaction does not interact with terrain height, only with sea level
- Out the window terrain tiles repeat, with no generated entities for now
- Latitude/longitude coordinates in options menu do not work yet
- No sound implemented yet
- Hosted on MEGA due to file size (~50 MB) @!gtd0BQYa!_TxKNHpIjlyUfYFeQRVsxassJc21JT_jmSH1O5hEXKE
- Extract zip file contents, and then run JavaFlightSimulator.exe