Grenadepong is a unique twist on the classic 2D pong game where your fingers become the paddles. Play with a friend either in close proximity or across the internet. I recommend playing on mobile for the best experience - just have your friends scan the QR code or join via a shared code!
I created this game primarily for fun and as a learning experience. By leveraging modern web technologies, I demonstrated how multiplayer web games can be developed with minimal backend infrastructure.
- Angular
- PixiJS (2D game engine)
- PeerJS (WebRTC implementation for multiplayer functionality)
During development, I discovered an exciting possibility: creating multiplayer web games that rely solely on communication without needing a traditional backend.
Note: Game assets (grenades, background, explosion audio) are sourced from free asset sites. I didn't create these graphics or sounds myself.
Interestingly, much of the game's physics were developed with AI assistance from Claude and ChatGPT. My primary focus was on the communication aspects and asset selection. While the game might seem barebones, it showcases how AI can dramatically accelerate development when you have a clear vision.
One of the most innovative features I've created in Grenadepong is the incredibly smooth ball transition across players' screens. By leveraging PeerJS, I've developed a multiplayer experience where the ball seems to pass through screens as if they were one continuous surface.
When the ball reaches the edge of one player's screen, here's what happens:
- Precise coordinates of the ball are instantly transmitted
- I calculate the exact position, velocity, and trajectory
- The receiving screen perfectly continues the ball's movement
- There's no visual interruption or lag - it's like the screens are magically connected
This feature showcases why I chose to use WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication):
- Direct peer-to-peer connection
- Minimal latency
- Real-time data synchronization
- No central server required
The result is a multiplayer experience so smooth, it feels like you're playing on a single, extended screen. I used PeerJS to handle the complex real-time data transmission that makes such seamless interaction possible. It was a challenging but incredibly satisfying feature to implement!
Play with friends over the internet - distance is no obstacle!
- 30-second countdown before grenades detonate
- Win Conditions:
- Both grenades explode on your screen? You lose!
- No grenades explode? You win!
- Only one grenade explodes? It's a draw!
- Winning triggers a spectacular confetti celebration (thanks to
The host can restart the game infinitely - the fun never stops!
Want to make the game your own? Here's how:
Clone the repository
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
ng serve --host
In the console, you'll see your IP. Modify
If your mobile is on the same network, scan the QR code to join
Deploy to GitHub Pages with:
ng deploy --base-href=/grenadepong/
- Node.js version 18 or higher
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page.
- Special thanks to AI assistants for helping with physics implementation
- Free asset sites for game graphics and sounds
- The open-source community
Happy Gaming! 🎮🔫