Steroids helps building backend solutions with Node.js, Express, and TypeScript by introducing new components that are easy and fast to develop.
Here's a quick list of features Steroids provides:
- TypeScript enabled
- Powered by Express
- Automatic code minification
- Logic is encapsulated into "Services" and router middlewares are grouped as "Routers"
- Routes are easily defined using the Router decorator
- Built-in input validation mechanism with routers (request body, headers, query parameters, etc.)
- Ability to extend the validation logic with custom validators
- Dynamic route and service installation
- Dynamic service injection without circular dependency issues
- Path alias support for easier imports
- Unit testing with Mocha and Chai
- TypeDoc ready
npm install @chisel/steroids -g
You can read the official documentation to learn how to use Steroids to develop backend solutions.
After installing Steroids globally, the sd
command will be available with the following options:
- sd new <name> [options]: Creates a new Steroids project. The project name should be in kebab case.
Options:- -m, --minimal: Skips setting up tests and examples.
- --skip-examples: Skips setting up examples.
- --skip-tests: Skips setting up tests.
- --skip-npm-install: Skips installing dependencies.
- --skip-git: Skips initializing git repository.
- -v, --verbose: Verbose logging.
- sd add router <name> [options]: Generates a router component under
Options:- -d, --directory <path>: A path to override the default location the router is generated at.
- --skip-tests: Skips generating the unit test for router.
- sd add service <name> [options]: Generates a service component under
Options:- -d, --directory <path>: A path to override the default location the service is generated at.
- --skip-tests: Skips generating the unit test for service.
- sd path list: Displays a list of all existing paths.
- sd path new <alias> <target>: Creates a new path (target must be relative to
). - sd path delete <alias>: Deletes a path.
- sd build [options]: Builds the source into
Options:- -v, --verbose: Displays all logs.
- sd run [options]: Builds and runs the server.
Options:- -p, --port <port_number>: Overrides the port number.
- -w, --watch: Enables live reloading by watching the source files for changes.
- --skip-build: Skips building the source code before running the server.
- -v, --verbose: Displays all logs.
- sd test [options]: Builds and runs the tests against the last server build.
Options:- -v, --verbose: Displays all logs.
- sd docs [options]: Generates the documentation using TypeDoc inside
Options:- -s, --serve: Serves the documentation on port 7000.
- -p, --port: Overrides the port number the documentation is being served on.
- -d, --directory <path>: A path relative to project root to override the default documentation directory.
- -v, --verbose: Displays all logs.
- sd --version: Displays Steroids version.
- sd --help: Displays Steroids help. You can also use this option with any commands to view detailed usage information.
Create a new project called My Project:
sd new my-project
Add a new router called UserAuth at src/routers/user-auth.router.ts
sd add router user-auth
Add a new service called Firebase at src/services/firebase.service.ts
sd add service firebase
List all TypeScript paths:
sd path list
Add a new path for modular validators at src/validators
sd path new "@steroids/validator/*" "validators/*.validator"
Delete the validators path:
sd path delete "@steroids/validator/*"
Build the source into dist
sd build
Run the server on default port 5000:
sd run
Run the server on port 5003 with live reloading and skip building for the first time:
sd run --port 5003 --watch --skip-build
Build and run the tests:
sd test
Generate the documentation at docs
and serve on port 5004:
sd docs -s -p 5004