Web based-Application(single page application):
- It was created for Chingue voyage 52 for The city of Los Angeles that is encouraging residents to install private solar panels as part of a local initiative to combat global warming.
- This project provides a free service where a city-hired specialist evaluates the installation and maintenance costs of solar panels.
- It is enabling residents to schedule appointments and allowing city employees to manage and plan these visits effectively.
- It is responsive web-App.(working on different screen)
- Our App works on two interfaces :
- Resident interface:
- Resident Can request an appointment for a solar panel evaluation by submitting their contact details, address, and preferred timeslot( Notify residents that their preferred timeslot is only indicative and that they will receive confirmation a few hours before the scheduled visit ) .
- Resident can enter address or choose from address options that will appear during typing address in Los angeles .
- There is note will be appeared if using the same mail to make another new request .
- Resident will be given option cancel request by calling number will be appeared after submit request in confirmation message
- Resident can check status of request by entering phone number by which submit the request.
- Resident will recieve notification in case status of request was changed from pendind to visit time.
- Admin interface:
- Employee(admin) Can login by Approved email to Access to Resident request and give them visit appointment.
- Approved email : [email protected] , password : 5465
- admin can edit status of resident request
- admin can print request.
- All appointment will appear in table could be printed.
- Sort Button will be appeared when all data in table is downloaded then by which data in table could be sorted according to address.
- Home page Button will be appeared after all data is downloaded then admin could back to home page.
- Vanilla javascript.
- Get Los angeles address as csv file from
- Use Code Beautify to convert csv file to json file
- Store data by IndexedDB
- Use visual studio code for writting code .
- use git bash for push to repo on github.
Everyone on your team should add their name along with a link to their GitHub & optionally their LinkedIn profiles below. Do this in Sprint #1 to validate your repo access and to practice PR'ing with your team before you start coding!
Teammate : Pauljd's GitHub
Teammate : John's GitHub
Teammate : Hala's GitHub