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VSM and Topic Modeling

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@bdewilde bdewilde released this 11 Apr 16:03


  • Added representations subpackage; includes modules for network and vector space model (VSM) document and corpus representations
    • Document-term matrix creation now takes documents represented as a list of terms (rather than as spaCy Docs); splits the tokenization step from vectorization for added flexibility
    • Some of this functionality was refactored from existing parts of the package
  • Added tm (topic modeling) subpackage, with a main TopicModel class for training, applying, persisting, and interpreting NMF, LDA, and LSA topic models through a single interface
  • Various improvements to TextDoc and TextCorpus classes
    • TextDoc can now be initialized from a spaCy Doc
    • Removed caching from TextDoc, because it was a pain and weird and probably not all that useful
    • extract-based methods are now generators, like the functions they wrap
    • Added .as_semantic_network() and .as_terms_list() methods to TextDoc
    • TextCorpus.from_texts() now takes advantage of multithreading via spaCy, if available, and document metadata can be passed in as a paired iterable of dicts
  • Added read/write functions for sparse scipy matrices
  • Added convenience function for splitting (text) content from associated metadata when reading data from disk into a TextDoc or TextCorpus
  • Renamed to and added functionality for matching/ignoring files by their names, file extensions, and ignoring invisible files
  • Rewrote export.docs_to_gensim(), now significantly faster
  • Imports in files for main and subpackages now explicit


  • textstats.readability_stats() no longer filters out stop words (@henningko #7)
  • Wikipedia article processing now recursively removes nested markup
  • extract.ngrams() now filters out ngrams with any space-only tokens
  • functions with include_nps kwarg changed to include_ncs, to match the renaming of the associated function from extract.noun_phrases() to extract.noun_chunks()