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Refactor for Consistency, Convenience, and Simplicity

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@bdewilde bdewilde released this 23 Aug 13:26

After several months of somewhat organic development, textacy had acquired some rough edges in the API and inconsistencies throughout the code base. This release breaks the existing API in a few (mostly minor) ways for the sake of consistency, user convenience, and simplicity. It also adds some new functionality and enhances existing functionality for a better overall experience and, I hope, more straightforward development moving forward.


  • Refactored and streamlined TextDoc; changed name to Doc
    • simplified init params: lang can now be a language code string or an equivalent spacy.Language object, and content is either a string or spacy.Doc; param values and their interactions are better checked for errors and inconsistencies
    • renamed and improved methods transforming the Doc; for example, .as_bag_of_terms() is now .to_bag_of_terms(), and terms can be returned as integer ids (default) or as strings with absolute, relative, or binary frequencies as weights
    • added performant .to_bag_of_words() method, at the cost of less customizability of what gets included in the bag (no stopwords or punctuation); words can be returned as integer ids (default) or as strings with absolute, relative, or binary frequencies as weights
    • removed methods wrapping extract functions, in favor of simply calling that function on the Doc (see below for updates to extract functions to make this more convenient); for example, TextDoc.words() is now extract.words(Doc)
    • removed .term_counts() method, which was redundant with Doc.to_bag_of_terms()
    • renamed .term_count() => .count(), and checking + caching results is now smarter and faster
  • Refactored and streamlined TextCorpus; changed name to Corpus
    • added init params: can now initialize a Corpus with a stream of texts, spacy or textacy Docs, and optional metadatas, analogous to Doc; accordingly, removed .from_texts() class method
    • refactored, streamlined, bug-fixed, and made consistent the process of adding, getting, and removing documents from Corpus
      • getting/removing by index is now equivalent to the built-in list API: Corpus[:5] gets the first 5 Docs, and del Corpus[:5] removes the first 5, automatically keeping track of corpus statistics for total # docs, sents, and tokens
      • getting/removing by boolean function is now done via the .get() and .remove() methods, the latter of which now also correctly tracks corpus stats
      • adding documents is split across the .add_text(), .add_texts(), and .add_doc() methods for performance and clarity reasons
    • added .word_freqs() and .word_doc_freqs() methods for getting a mapping of word (int id or string) to global weight (absolute, relative, binary, or inverse frequency); akin to a vectorized representation (see: textacy.vsm) but in non-vectorized form, which can be useful
    • removed .as_doc_term_matrix() method, which was just wrapping another function; so, instead of corpus.as_doc_term_matrix((doc.as_terms_list() for doc in corpus)), do textacy.vsm.doc_term_matrix((doc.to_terms_list(as_strings=True) for doc in corpus))
  • Updated several extract functions
    • almost all now accept either a textacy.Doc or spacy.Doc as input
    • renamed and improved parameters for filtering for or against certain POS or NE types; for example, good_pos_tags is now include_pos, and will accept either a single POS tag as a string or a set of POS tags to filter for; same goes for exclude_pos, and analogously include_types, and exclude_types
  • Updated corpora classes for consistency and added flexibility
    • enforced a consistent API: .texts() for a stream of plain text documents and .records() for a stream of dicts containing both text and metadata
    • added filtering options for RedditReader, e.g. by date or subreddit, consistent with other corpora (similar tweaks to WikiReader may come later, but it's slightly more complicated...)
    • added a nicer repr for RedditReader and WikiReader corpora, consistent with other corpora
  • Moved and into the top-level of textacy and thus removed the representations subpackage
    • renamed vsm.build_doc_term_matrix() => vsm.doc_term_matrix(), because the "build" part of it is obvious
  • Renamed =>; all returned values are now similarity metrics in the interval [0, 1], where higher values indicate higher similarity
  • Renamed =>, without additional changes
  • Renamed fileio.utils.split_content_and_metadata() => fileio.utils.split_record_fields(), without further changes (except for tweaks to the docstring)
  • Added functions to read and write delimited file formats: fileio.read_csv() and fileio.write_csv(), where the delimiter can be any valid one-char string; gzip/bzip/lzma compression is handled automatically when available
  • Added better and more consistent docstrings and usage examples throughout the code base