- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with confluent_kafka
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Unofficial module for install and managing Confluent's (http://confluent.io/) distribution of Kafka.
Currently only tested on Ubuntu 12.04
Module that manages the installation and configuration of Confluent's distribution of Kafka. Currently only supports brokers
- Installs Kafka package, service and java if specified
class { 'confluent_kafka': }
####Class: confluent_kafka
Main class for the module, will install the package
####Type: confluent_kafka::topic
Create/Delete topic in cluster
confluent_kafka::topic { 'topic_name':
ensure => present,
replication_factor => 3,
partitions => 16,
###Classes ####Public Classes
- [
####Private Classes
- [
] - [
] - [
] - [
This module is tested on the following platforms:
- Ubuntu 12.04