A Juju operator for mounting filesystems.
The filesystem client operator requests and mounts exported filesystems on virtual machines.
- Deploy a filesystem provider (microceph with ceph-fs in this case), filesystem-client, and a machine to mount the filesystem on:
juju add-model store
juju deploy -n 3 microceph \
--channel latest/edge \
--storage osd-standalone='2G,3' \
--constraints="virt-type=virtual-machine root-disk=10G mem=4G"
juju deploy ceph-fs --channel latest/edge
juju deploy filesystem-client --channel latest/edge \
--config mountpoint='/scratch' \
--config noexec=true
juju deploy ubuntu --base [email protected] --constraints virt-type=virtual-machine
- Integrate everything, and that's it!
juju integrate microceph:mds ceph-fs:ceph-mds
juju integrate filesystem-client:filesystem ceph-fs:filesystem
juju integrate ubuntu:juju-info data:juju-info
The filesystem client operator is a project of the Ubuntu High-Performance Computing community. It is an open source project that is welcome to community involvement, contributions, suggestions, fixes, and constructive feedback. Interested in being involved with the development of the filesystem client operator? Check out these links below:
The filesystem client operator is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more information.